What is the best MMA or combat sports book you've read?


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2004
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Not a "how to" sort of thing, but one with stories from the cage and gyms. i remember liking Forrest Griffins and another one called A fighter's heart. Also one called the Gloves about amateur boxing was great.

Someone in UFC discussion mentioned the Lytes out podcast with Chris Lytle and the first 2 espisodes I listened to were good (expect the production values are shite) and it has made me nostalgic for old school tales.

I would appreciate any recommendations anyone has for books or podcasts for that matter.

Sincerely yours,

Toasty $ Rabbit
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"Within a Fist"

A story about an amateur boxer who accidentally walks into a drug deal in a back alleyway. The drug dealers are local MMA fighters who are using their gym as a front.
After he KOs the drug dealers he goes to some local gyms to see what's going on.
He visits multiple TMA gyms like Karate, Bjj, judo, and defeats the head dojo guys and who then after reveal information that the main local MMA gym is a drug den.

He goes in and dispatches everyone in their easily while then confronting the leader of the MMA gym.
After having multiple takedowns stuffed, kicks and elbows blocked, the MMA leader, exhausted and distraught says, "I was taught, this was superior. How have you done this, with just your hands?"

The boxer says, "There's no distance that I cannot cover. No guard I can not defeat. For I am always within range......within a fist."

As the boxer winds back a final fatal blow, the MMA guy looks on in defeat, but acceptance for his outcome.

Book ends
There are some really enjoyable books about boxers and boxing. Boxing benefitted from very good journalists back in the day.

A Flame of Pure Fire
Four Kings
Smokestack Lightning
Undefeated (about Marciano)
There are some really enjoyable books about boxers and boxing. Boxing benefitted from very good journalists back in the day.

A Flame of Pure Fire
Four Kings
Smokestack Lightning
Undefeated (about Marciano)
thanks most are a little too historical for me but Four Kings looks good.
Not a "how to" sort of thing, but one with stories from the cage and gyms. i remember liking Forrest Griffins and another one called A fighter's heart. Also one called the Gloves about amateur boxing was great.

Someone in UFC discussion mentioned the Lytes out podcast with Chris Lytle and the first 2 espisodes I listened to were good (expect the production values are shite) and it has made me nostalgic for old school tales.

I would appreciate any recommendations anyone has for books or podcasts for that matter.

Sincerely yours,

Toasty $ Rabbit
I liked Bruce Lee's book. More the philosophy t
It's been a long time since I read this one. But it's the only MMA/boxing book I've ever read. I remember thinking it was pretty decent.

the Mark Hunt book is nice, so is the Enson Inoue one
I thought this was good.

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but I also enjoyed this novel.
