What is the best BJJ School in San Diego?


White Belt
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
I'm moving out there in 2 months and would like to be near a good BJJ academy.
Thanks in advance!
If i had to pick i would pick the Saulo & Xande Ribeiro's University of Jiu Jitsu. San Diego California.
Never trained in any of them but from an outsider's perspective I would go with Saulo and Xande's school. Xande just won the Mundials for god's sake.
San diego has so many schools to choose from, great schools too, I would go with Dean listers school personally, but there many good gyms.
I'm from San Diego. They're right there are a lot of good places to roll. I live in the North County and train at Carlson Gracie's in San Marcos.

SD is a big place. Which part of the county are you planning on moving to?
i heard deans is very very expensive, but anything in san diego is very overpriced and expensive. i lived there 5 years. but i heard a new carlson gracie jr school opened up in san deigo near miramar road.
i heard deans is very very expensive, but anything in san diego is very overpriced and expensive. i lived there 5 years. but i heard a new carlson gracie jr school opened up in san deigo near miramar road.

very wrong on the information you got regarding the price of Deans school, actually we are one of the cheapest. 89 dollars a month for unlimited classes, jiu-jitsu, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, cross fit, full weights, sauna, steam room, 2 cages 2 rings, 3 jiu-jitsu areas
jiu-jitsu classes 7 times a day!!

over 21,000 sq feet

I would want to know where exactly you'd be working or living. As you can see we've got a lot of really good schools to choose from. The Ribeiro's and Lister by the sports arena. Fabio Santos in Mission Valley. Madeiros in PB. Gracie Barra in Poway...and San Marcos...and Miramar...and Oceanside. Roy Harris in Mira Mesa. Brandon Vera in the South Bay. Damn...San Diego kicks ass!
"Best" isn't always the right way to ask this question, especially in a place like SD with many highly respected schools. Do some drop ins and see which place best fits your lifestyle, philosophy, and training goals. Whichever gym fits you best is the 'best' gym for you.
San Diego is the best region outside of Brasil for BJJ IMO. No school is the best because every school is so damn good
very wrong on the information you got regarding the price of Deans school, actually we are one of the cheapest. 89 dollars a month for unlimited classes, jiu-jitsu, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, cross fit, full weights, sauna, steam room, 2 cages 2 rings, 3 jiu-jitsu areas
jiu-jitsu classes 7 times a day!!

over 21,000 sq feet


Shit! I plan on moving to San Diego area some time next year and I'll definitely keep that in mind. That's a hell of a deal for all of that.
If you are talking best BJJ competition teams - then it's Rodrigo Medeiros (BJJ Revolution), Saulo's & Fabio Santos hands down.

Rodrigo has the largest amount of upper belts and largest competition team, Saulo has some really good guys but not as many high belts, Fabio has really good guys but not as big a competition team.

That being said, ALL of the academies in SD, Baret, Vera's, Dean's, Nelson, Marcelo , GB - they ALL have something to offer.

San Diego is the Rio of America for BJJ talent... You can't go wrong here.

Really comes down to your own individual style and preference. Stop by all the places and see who you vibe with the best...

Good luck!
it depends what you want, if you are just looking for brazilian jiu-jitsu (gi) i would recommend fabios, rodrigos, or Saulos, all the gyms have thier own style and offer something different in terms of classes and types of martial arts taught. best advice would be take the free intro at all the places that were mentioned and then decide
Rodrigo Medieros school is easily the best bjj school in san diego......

They SWEEP tournements
Thanks for the tips. I plan of visiting the schools before I join, but I wasn't even aware of which schools were out there. I've obviously heard of Rodrigo Medieros & Saulo but didn't know there were in San Diego. Dean Lister's school sound pretty amazing as well.

I was at Renzo's previously and am spending the summer training in Rio at Brasa - FightZone w. Ricardo Vieira. It's amazing how different the classes are at each place. I went from an enormous school to a very small school and definitely prefer the smaller school. Both schools are great, but there's a greater sense of commeraderie at Brasa. I'll be out there in July and will probably settle in around Ocean Beach.

Thanks again for the responses... a huge help.