Movies What is the 3 best opening movie scenes of all-time?

So what's your picks?

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The Mirror
There Will Be Blood

Touch of Evil also has a dynamite opening scene
My first thoughts would be for

When A Stranger Calls

Legendary, and way ahead of its time with a fleshed out, almost quasi-sympathetic killing maniac.
Legendary, and way ahead of its time with a fleshed out, almost quasi-sympathetic killing maniac.
Lot of people don't like the middle section of that movie, I guess the opening act is tough to follow but it's a really interesting, pretty disturbing character study of a very sick human being rather than some unstoppable, almost supernatural psycho that slasher movies eventually adopted.
Tony Beckley was actually rotting away inside during filming, I didn't read about that until years after first seeing it, but it kind of made sense. It almost seemed like he was playing his sickness out for the audience.
I think it was one of the first movies to get an R rating when almost zero violence, nudity or blood were on display.

One of my favourite movies if you couldn't tell! It's one of my go to movies when I can't think off anything else, and the Blu Ray release that came out a while back is astounding
Saving private ryan
I added gangs of new york.
Saving private Ryan
Inglorious Basterds
Dark Knight

Lol at the posters in here naming every movie imaginable

This list is awesome

Well done TS, excellent thread
I have watched most of those movies and the two that stick out would be Scream and Saving Private Ryan
I’m surprised Raiders of the Lost Ark isn’t doing better in the poll. This is classic:



I’m also partial to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’s opening. I love the transition from young Indiana to old when he gets the hat. Gives me goosebumps


And lastly, there’s probably about a dozen James Bond movies that could make this list. The scenes preceding the opening credits are almost always the best part of the entire film. Imo the Spy Who Loved Me is probably the most iconic:


Excellent post
See @fastone I’m getting flamed for shitting on saving private Ryan!!

this always heckin happens for no reason what so ever!!

This is where you say to yourself that most people love that movie but for some reason you don't. It's only an issue if you challenge them on their opinions.
Funny you listed Up, TS..
I cried like a baby at the theater watching that scene and couldn't click on the link you posted to it in the o.p...
It was amazing, for sure.

The Dark Knight

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Raiders of the Lost Ark

The Godfather


Forrest Gump

Inglourious Basterds


Lion King

Pulp Fiction

The Matrix


2001: A Space Odyssey

Apocalypse Now

Citizen Kane

There Will Be Blood

Saving Private Ryan

A Clockwork Orange

TS has a Tyler Durden avatar and did not include Fight Club.
