What is something unexplainable that happened to you but you'll sound crazy if you tell others?

Here is one with a little more detail , it has stayed with me for years..When I was about 11 or so I used to be able to slip out of my body while sleeping/resting. It’s a sensation that is very hard to explain, you kind of crawl out, slide out.

I was missing one of my favorite toys, it was gone for about a week..One night while I was doing this out of body thing, I flew downstairs into my parents room while they where sleeping. I ended up floating under their bed. The first thing I noticed under the bed was my missing toy..

In the morning I woke, immediately remembered my trip, ran down the stairs into my parents room , went under the bed and retrieved my toy..

From that day on I knew there was more going on here than meets the eye...Peace

I think it's called lucid dreaming. Some would probably argue you subconsciously knew where it was, but I think it's cool. If only we could do shit like that at will.
Me and my buddy were hiking in the deep in Mark Twain National Forrest in Missouri. We heard this "whap whap whap" over head then it would stop then be closer "whap whap whap" hapenned four time each time closer till it was right over head. Then it took off sounded very mechanical in nature but not like a drone. It was weird we hadn't seen a soul all day.
Here is one with a little more detail , it has stayed with me for years..When I was about 11 or so I used to be able to slip out of my body while sleeping/resting. It’s a sensation that is very hard to explain, you kind of crawl out, slide out.

I was missing one of my favorite toys, it was gone for about a week..One night while I was doing this out of body thing, I flew downstairs into my parents room while they where sleeping. I ended up floating under their bed. The first thing I noticed under the bed was my missing toy..

In the morning I woke, immediately remembered my trip, ran down the stairs into my parents room , went under the bed and retrieved my toy..

From that day on I knew there was more going on here than meets the eye...Peace
Sounds more like sleep paralysis
I dropped a cigarette and it landed standing on the filter. My friend actually saw it but was not impressed.
When I was a few years old my parents flew over to Scotland.

I still distinctly remember dreams where I was hanging in chains being tortured with red hot pokers for being a vampire. I was around 5 years old. With absolutely no frame of reference for those nightmares.

I distinctly remember little green aliens coming to visit me through an open windows one night, circling around my room light and burning it out...it needed replacing the next day. Told my parents about ‘a gold elevator god put me into to go to heaven’. Drew some pictures too. Still got a book of stories and drawings, but there’s no reasonable explanation these days.
I’ve told this story quite a few times here in detail, so I’ll just summarize briefly.

In the summer of 2003, my cousin and I observed an extremely bright, white light that would disappear at random intervals and reappear in another part of the sky for maybe half a second, then return to its original position. In addition to this inexplicable motion, the light had a very strange quality to it, the only way I can describe it is it was like it was vibrating. This went on continuously for I’d say half an hour before my cousins wanted to return inside. Not wanting to look like a UFO nut, I returned inside as well. When we came back out some time later, it was gone. To this day I regret not staying to see what happened to it.

I’ve never, ever seen or even heard of anything like that before or since, and I don’t suspect I ever will again. It was by far the most bizarre thing I’ve ever witnessed.

What you saw could have been an Iridium Flare. I don't know about it returning to its original position, but the vibrating appearance of the light could be attributed to the atmosphere. I live in a pretty isolated area (no street lights, no businesses around me so very little light pollution) and saw one two nights ago while walking my dog.

Look them up. It's my best guess at what you saw.
Here’s a couple other weird things that happened to me.

A couple years ago I left my bedroom to go to the kitchen to get something, I don’t remember what, I couldn’t have been gone more than 2 or 3 minutes, an when I returned my bedroom door was stuck inside out on the wrong side of the frame. Like my door opens inward, and it was completely on the opposite side of the frame. I’m a good sized guy, about 230 at the time, and it took me considerable force to get it unstuck. To this day it doesn’t shut correctly.

The house I grew up in was the same house my grandparents had lived in since the 60s. My whole life my family swore up and down it was haunted. Everyone reported the same thing, a woman in white, long black hair, always seen from the back, never the face. Which coincidentally was a great description of my mother. When I was I’d say 10-12, I saw what I believed to be my mother, woman with long black hair from the back, turn a corner and walk into the front bedroom, to which there is only one entrance and exit. When I followed her in there, no one was there. I don’t know what it was, but it spooked me.
I was working in a secure area with lots of valuables in it. I was putting stuff away on the bottom shelf and was bent over on my knees (insert your own joke) with my head and neck exposed. As I was there something told me to move. I don't know what it was but there was a feeling that I needed to move and a sense of someone or something pushing me. I moved back away from the shelf to get ready to stand up and a video recorder (someone will remember those I'm sure) came off the top shelf (no idea how as it looked fine when I started unpacking stuff up there) and hit the floor in front of me where I'd been a couple of seconds before...

There's a couple of other things like that have happened to me.
What you saw could have been an Iridium Flare. I don't know about it returning to its original position, but the vibrating appearance of the light could be attributed to the atmosphere. I live in a pretty isolated area (no street lights, no businesses around me so very little light pollution) and saw one two nights ago while walking my dog.

Look them up. It's my best guess at what you saw.

This was no flare. I don’t know what it was, but I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t a plane, or a helicopter, or a flare, or a star or planet (much brighter than Venus or Sirius), or a satellite, or a meteor, or a Chinese lantern, or a bird or insect, or a drone, or idk... a blimp.

Nothing in my experience can instantly jump 10° in the sky then instantly return to its original position. When I say instantly, I don’t mean really fast. Like if there was a time delay, it was of shorter duration than the human brain can perceive.

Edit: look at it like this, it was like have 2 light at the end of a long pole set to flash at opposite intervals. But in the sky and miles apart and completely stationary. It’s really difficult to explain to someone who didn’t see it.
I threw a morning paper route in high school. My last stop was at the end of a long street in an old residential neighborhood. It was a small, wooden house and I'd use the driveway as a turnaround. A couple days into the first week I pulled into the driveway and saw a bulldog puppy at the chain link fence side gate, and a group of others huddled around the front porch. How do you resist that face, right? So my routine became to pull into the driveway, hop out, toss the paper into the empty carport and reach over and pet the pup for a minute. He was the only one to ever approach and the others stayed by the porch. This was all in 4am darkness.

At the end of the month I had to go around to collect from houses who didn't pay the office directly. I went in the afternoon, hoping to catch people home from work, and one customer was next door to the bulldog pup. I immediately noticed the dogs' house had had a terrible fire. Some of the roof was gone and the front porch supports were gone so the roof sagged there. Most all the wood was charred. The neighbor came to the door to pay and I asked him about the fire. He told me the homeowners had died in the fire months ago. I had pet that pup that morning, swear to God. I asked if the neighbors had had any dogs and he told me they raised English Bulldogs and a litter had been killed in the fire. Again, confirming it was months ago.

I hopped the fence and walked the small property but found no signs of the pups. Not even any dog shit in the yard. The house was fucked so I barely went in but it was obvious the fire was not at all recent and again no sign the pups had been there. That next morning on my route I could clearly see the fire damage in the haze of the streetlights and I never saw the pup again.
I post on an MMA internet forum and one of the members had some spooky shit go down in his house. One day he announced he was going down to the basement to check it out and he was never heard from again.
I think I saw aliens once. One night when I was probably around 12, I happened to look up and saw a light zig zaging between stars, kinda like figure 8's, and after a few runs it took off. It definitely wasn't a plane or helicopter, too far up and way to fast. After it left I just stood there thinking if I should say something to my parents. Told my wife about but she thinks I'm crazy and I think she's crazy for not believing. I've been prepping ever since (jk).
I was working in a secure area with lots of valuables in it. I was putting stuff away on the bottom shelf and was bent over on my knees (insert your own joke) with my head and neck exposed. As I was there something told me to move. I don't know what it was but there was a feeling that I needed to move and a sense of someone or something pushing me. I moved back away from the shelf to get ready to stand up and a video recorder (someone will remember those I'm sure) came off the top shelf (no idea how as it looked fine when I started unpacking stuff up there) and hit the floor in front of me where I'd been a couple of seconds before...

There's a couple of other things like that have happened to me.
That happens to me a lot. It's like a weird felling that's telling you to move. No voices or anything but you instinctively know what to do.
I don’t tell too many people this one.

Back in 2012 I was on vacation in Waikiki with my wife. I fell asleep at the beach and had a very vivid dream where I’m sitting on the same beach and the sun is setting. A girl(maybe 18 or 19 years old) walks up to me with two guys similar in age(insert brazzers meme here). The girl says to me “hey Dad. We’re just going to go back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.” I don’t respond but I do notice that the two guys are identical to each other. As they’re walking away one of the guys asks me “need anything, Dad?” And then I woke up.

This was 2012. My wife and I had no children at the time.

2018 I’m the proud dad to a little girl and identical twin boys.
Yeah, funny thing happened when I was a kid growing up in Berkeley CA. Me, my brother and my pal were walking to the movies and using a public path that went between several houses. Walking down this path all three of us were stopped dead in our tracks, there was two medium size monkeys (20-25 pounds) roaming free in the back yard. One was on the fence just a few feet from the path. They were just hanging out and could have gone any direction they wanted to.
I dropped a cigarette and it landed standing on the filter. My friend actually saw it but was not impressed.

We talking like GSP not impressed style?

You should have touched your friend with teh jab
Here is one with a little more detail , it has stayed with me for years..When I was about 11 or so I used to be able to slip out of my body while sleeping/resting. It’s a sensation that is very hard to explain, you kind of crawl out, slide out.

I was missing one of my favorite toys, it was gone for about a week..One night while I was doing this out of body thing, I flew downstairs into my parents room while they where sleeping. I ended up floating under their bed. The first thing I noticed under the bed was my missing toy..

In the morning I woke, immediately remembered my trip, ran down the stairs into my parents room , went under the bed and retrieved my toy..

From that day on I knew there was more going on here than meets the eye...Peace

My only real story that fits the thread is exactly like this, except I flew downstairs to get a glass of water and placed the cup on the counter. It was right where I left it when I woke up.

I distinctly remember the slipping sensation you mentioned too. It's what drove me to lucid dreaming many years later.
I shared this in another recent thread, but I have a pretty weird Mandela Effect.

When I was a kid my cousin and I would go into the woods near his house. Out in the woods was an old abandoned zoo. Cages, cement water fountains, decorative staircases, cement platforms etc. It was tons of fun.

As an adult I told friends about it who thought I was crazy or lying. So I decided to show them. We hiked to the spot and nothing!! Except embarrassment.

Called my cousin and he remembers the zoo as vividly as me.
I shared this in another recent thread, but I have a pretty weird Mandela Effect.

When I was a kid my cousin and I would go into the woods near his house. Out in the woods was an old abandoned zoo. Cages, cement water fountains, decorative staircases, cement platforms etc. It was tons of fun.

As an adult I told friends about it who thought I was crazy or lying. So I decided to show them. We hiked to the spot and nothing!! Except embarrassment.

Called my cousin and he remembers the zoo as vividly as me.

Perhaps they got rid of it (?)

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