What is shrimping?


Blue Belt
Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
I've done BJJ for a little over 8 months but someone mentioned shrimping to me and i dont know what it is.

What is it?
If this is a serous post: You may know it as "snaking", it's the same thing. If you've been in BJJ for 8mo & never done it, I'd be shocked.

They call it snaking at my BJJ school. I called it shrimping in class a while back & nobody knew what I was talking about. I was taught it as shrimping in judo.
posting on one shoulder and your opposite foot and then scooting your hips out in to the side of the shoulder that's in the air. i might have mixed that up in the explanation, but it's a pretty common move used in a lot of bjj actions/submissions/escapes/etc
Okay thanks guys. Ive done it probably everytime I went in I just didnt know it was called Shrimping. Weird I never heard my Jiu jitsu instructor call it that either.
now that the real answers have been posted, here's the other answer. which is the oral pleasuring of the toes.
If you've been doing BJJ for 8 months and dont know what shrimping in it is prolly one of these two problems:
1) you don't pay attention
2) your instructor isn't so great

Shrimping is basaically the motion of when you scoot your hip out to a side. Kinda hard to explain. Just ask your instructor. There are drills you can do to get your shrimp game sizzlin.
Also, is that Avatar a picture of you. If it is you're hot. I'm also turned on that you do bjj, if that picture is you and you're a girl.
maybe it's Natalie Portman.
Depends on your teacher I guess. I go to 2 places, one calls it snakes, the other shrimping. I did Traditional Ju-Jitsu for a couple years, and they called it something else(some japan name) but it was the exact same thing.
Lmao, at the school I go to the instuctor called it a "sneaky-snake" move.
There is also reverse-shrimping, which goes the other way! :-D
I've never heard of shrimping before seening it mentioned on forums maybe a few months ago, and I've been training for 3 years. I've only ever the technique referred to as elbow escape- snaking is a new one, and I've never heard someone refer to it as "shrimping"
You should do both shrimping and reverse shrimping drills whenever you roll.
In Japanese, ebi (shrimp) or gyaku-ebi (reverse shrimp).

Don't know what toe-sucking is in Japanese, they must have a name for it. I'll ask one of the local transvestite hos that hang out near my apartment and get back to you.