what is muscle Milk??


Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
what this muscle mik everyone is talking about, can u buy it in the uk england london

explain away thx
How fast do you go through it with regular use? Just trying to see how much it would cost me per month...I lift 3 days a week, cardio everyday, heavybag 3 days a week.
I have a related question about Muscle Milk, I noticed it has creatine in it already. Do you guys stack more creatine on top of it or is the present amount sufficient?
It doesn't HAVE creatine in it.
It has a precursor to your body's natural production of it. It is often confused.

It does not contain aspartame, something close but not aspartame.
supersudo said:
it has ace k in it.. :icon_cry2
They have MM Naturals with stevia in it.

MM is normal protein poweder but it tastes the BEST.
i think the cheapest place in uk is monstersupplements.co.uk only 29.99 and free delivery. if anyone has found cheaper though please tell me!
The vitamin shoppe near my house sells it for 28.99. Its in Aliso Viejo. Great place. I think they are trying to get rid of it or osmetihng
Mojorisin99 said:
You can get it at DPS Nutrition for $20 not including shipping.

$18.50 @ www.massnutrition.com

the only thing though is that massnutrition dones't have as good of a selection as like bulknutrition or supplement direct.. but they're the cheapest prices i've seen for name brand stuff :wink:
supersudo said:
$18.50 @ www.massnutrition.com

the only thing though is that massnutrition dones't have as good of a selection as like bulknutrition or supplement direct.. but they're the cheapest prices i've seen for name brand stuff :wink:

WOW, you get 1st prize. :D
supersudo said:
$18.50 @ www.massnutrition.com

the only thing though is that massnutrition dones't have as good of a selection as like bulknutrition or supplement direct.. but they're the cheapest prices i've seen for name brand stuff :wink:
Supplement Direct was the other one, yeah?

I'll add these to the thread. I'm dragging it up, too, there's some new guys who probably want to see it.
tank666 said:
WOW, you get 1st prize. :D
really?! :eek: what did i win?!... i wana know!!! i wana, wana!!!!! *sucks thumb*

o and mick, well, IMO anyplace that doesn't have what i want at that particular moment... i consider them not having as good of a selection.. :icon_chee