What is more likely? An African or Russian takeover of MMA?


Jan 8, 2019
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With several fighters threatening to challenge the American dominance of MMA, which region is more likely to have success? Russia or Africa? Is it possible that we don't have a majority of champions being American in the near future or will America's success continue?
Why the race bait? Who cares if you're russian or american. In the Octagon we're all the same.
Why the race bait? Who cares if you're russian or american. In the Octagon we're all the same.
How is talking about which regions can dominate MMA race baiting exactly? No one would say that in any other sport. Even boxing they will talk about different regions doing well.
The future is Wakanda.
Why the race bait? Who cares if you're russian or american. In the Octagon we're all the same.

Yup, male, female, fat, skinny, tall, short

I say we abolish weight classes and gender specific divisions and make open weight for all
Who the fuck cares? We want to see good fighters who deliver good fights and do not care where they are from!
We're sorta in the midst of the Russian/caucus explosion of fighters but just at the start of the African one. Imo both countries will produce fighters who will be elite. Give it time tho