What is extremely outdated and needs a massive change?

This thread.

Needs more trannies.

Laws that force middle men when they aren't needed like alcohol distributors and car dealerships. All they do is jack up the price with zero benefit to the consumer.

Dealerships just make it more expensive to buy a car and prey on people not familiar with how to negotiate. Tesla sells all their vehicles from their own stores without any dealerships. The price they advertise is what you pay, no negotiating. They are actually banned from selling in some states because they won't use dealerships.

Alcohol distributors are basically just run by the big alcohol companies and play by their rules. For years they kept craft beer out of stores and add zero value to anyone except giant alcohol companies.

But the question really should be in which direction it should go.
The US immigration system. The '65 Hart-Cellar Act was a lie from the beginning. We need a new immigration system that serves the interest of the American people as opposed to political parties, the special interests that fund their campaigns, and cultural marxist and anti-sovereignty subverters.

We should take into account developments like automation, computerization, mechanization, robotics etc. which render the continuous importation of cheap labor obsolete. We should factor in issues like crowded schools, crowded hospitals, crowded roads, and housing prices. We should preserve our country's natural ecosystems and wild spaces from over development. We should work to solve our own problems instead of importing new problems. We should put Americans first.

Just like in the 1920's, it's time for a pause.

They never work and are everywhere.

That’s how a Dodge marks its territory.
for sure when this is my only option I dry my hands on my pants unless I know it's my only option then I just don't wash my hands at all
I really think that the religion of year to year GDP growth as the single most influencial metric in economics is outdated, as well the computation of said GDP.

It induces an overreliance on population growth in order to spur the consumption component in the equation.

While at the same time, the planet is getting crowded with people, automation is destroying traditional jobs and there is not enough natural ressources for the increasing world population. Not to mention pollution, let it be for energy, food production or materials.

I think that this is the root of many evils on earth.
Skin color... We've been the same Shitty shades for too long!
9-5 work day. Causes peak hour traffic. Also what's the point of the majority of shops/services only opening the same time as the majority of people are at work?
9-5 work day. Causes peak hour traffic. Also what's the point of the majority of shops/services only opening the same time as the majority of people are at work?

I never understood that.

Banks especially have odd, inconvenient times.

What's worse, my father in law lives in some small, rural, town. The post office is only open during working hours and that's how everyone in town gets their mail... Like, wtf dude.

These work great in my house. For chips and cereal.

Otherwise, chips and cereal would be stale in less than 24 hours since no one can be reliably trusted to close a bag after opening. Plus, being in the South, there's too many bugs that are attracted to that shit if you're not careful, like sugar ants and weevils and God knows what else.

I use these and binder clips stolen from work.

Free pollution.

The cost of any waste disposal or environmental remediation generated by a product should be imbedded in its sale price.

Kind of like a carbon price but for everything.

Extremely complex to do it's inevitable imo.
Traffic lights. I think they have used the same antiquated system for my whole 52 years on this earth. Surely they can come up with a system that is "smarter" and faster.

Aside from things like education and laws i.m.o...

Roads and parking in huge cities. I've lived in NYC and Philly.

The population is growing, more families are moving into 1 house and having multiple cars. Parking is becoming impossible to find on many days in many locations. Roads are now clogged and the commute is horrendous. I'm not sure what can be done, but the current way things are going don't seem to be working to well.

The part of that that needs fixing is

The population is growing

WAY too many humans on this planet
Financial systems and the animal agriculture system