What If...


Banned 2X but still here
Dec 25, 2015
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Imagine some event that occurred in history. The event at the time did not appear to have historical consequences, but it actually did. What if that event never occurred? How different the world would be...

** The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan? **
1. US intervenes
2. US helps Afghan people, including Osama Bin Laden, repel the Soviets
3. Soviets pull out of Afghanistan
4. US pulls out of Afghanistan
5. Osama Bin Laden blames the United States for leaving Afghanistan and abandoning the Afghan people
6. Osama bin Laden now has a chip on his shoulder against the United States and funneled his energy to attack the United States
7. All Qaeda and Taliban strengthen
8. 9/11
9. War on terror

Imagine the world today if the Soviet Union did not invade Afghanistan. The trickle effect was unbelievable. Who would have thought.

Do you have an event in history that would have changed the world had the event not happen? Enumerate the trickle effect.

This is an intellectual thread. Although I anticipate somebody would say "what if your grandmother had balls, she would be your grandfather." So that was my pre-emptive strike. Beat you to it.

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What if Al Gore won the 2000 election?
What if Saudi Arabia didn't fund terrorism?
What if the Glass-Steagall Act was never repealed?
What if you only got "what if" questions as replies?
What if Al Gore won the 2000 election?

Let's follow that train of thought. He would have been president on 9/11. He probably would have gone into Afghanistan. But we don't know that for sure.

He probably would not have gone into Iraq. So saddam would not be ousted from power. It would not be a power vacuum. What was the trickle effect if Al Gore is in power?

What if Saudi Arabia didn't fund terrorism?

Same comment that I made for your other post. What is the trickle effect. If they did not fund terror..
What if the Glass-Steagall Act was never repealed?

Did you read the OP? This is an intellectual thread. Any moron can write one sentence and say what if. It's supposed to be above that. What's the trickle effect? Enumerate it.

If you don't want to participate, put your finger back in your nose, your thump back up your ass, go watch cartoons, and complain about the government.

It's funny seeing pictures of Afghanistan in the 70's. It was pretty westernized with guys in suits and women dressed in clothing of the times.

But they were leftist so we sides with the barbarians who wanted to live in the Stone Age.
Guess I am too High Brow for this group.

What if Gavrilo Princip had a bigger breakfast that morning and just wasn't in the mood for a sandwich?
If we could only call a timeout every time a dumb ass makes a decision we would be perfect.
What if after drinking my own cum for 7 years I became pregnant?
What if Gavrilo Princip had a bigger breakfast that morning and just wasn't in the mood for a sandwich?

Here, let me help you with an examplee since you appear to be unable to follow the OP guidance. Here is the trickle effect:

1. After breakfast, he was too tired to assassinate.
2. Falls asleep and misses his chance. WW 1 does not occur.
3. Archduke Franz Ferdinand lives, but is disgraced when his people discover he is like prostitutes
4. Franz joins a carnival as a Freak Show MC
5. Franz Falls in love with the carnival'so prostitute named Cavernous Cathy
6. They spawn several generations of offspring, but each offspring suffered a mental defact
7. Two offspring, a bother and sister, marry and have a child
8. This child, that tortures dogs, grows up and is anti social... and suffers from agoraphobia
9. Child creates a new account on sherdog called lookslikeseen

There you have it. We should have had WW1 afterall.

What if after drinking my own cum for 7 years I became pregnant?

You might be on the wrong forum. Take your nasty habit and move on. Perhaps a porn board is closer to your intellectual speed than sherdog.

You might be on the wrong forum. Take your nasty habit and move on. Perhaps a porn board is closer to your intellectual speed than sherdog.

Don't judge me. I can't afford protein powder.