What has Trump done to you (Left WR Posters) personally through his legislation

I hope you are getting paid for this otherwise it's kind of pathetic
The media brain washing is what's truly pathetic. Think for yourself. I'm out of here for awhile. I have things to do and a fight to watch tonight.
Is it wrong to have nice things that you worked for? If I earn more money than you should I be required to give it away?
It's not giving it away. We are all responsible for the society we live in. Unless you're much richer than I assume you're more likely to benefit from ACA than some ultra rich person that only pays 15% taxes or evades it altogether. Yes, exactly like your beloved Donald, who won't release his tax returns because he doesn't want his flock to realize how much they're being sheared by him.
Every politician lies. Hilary was the worst. Why make it into a right left thing?
First of all you're the one that brought it up. We have three plus years of Trump so let's have some patience and see how history views him.
The media brain washing is what's truly pathetic. Think for yourself. I'm out of here for awhile. I have things to do and a fight to watch tonight.
Do you realize the reason Trump won't give up his Twitter is because it's his outlet to manipulate people's opinions? He tweets what he wants his followers to believe then you hear them spewing the same nonsense.
I'm obviously not on the left, but his military investment has brought a lot of money into our city (we have a military installation here).
What has Trump done to you personally through his legislation that causes so much childish reactions? I can't think of a single thing that would cause this. I watched his speech tonight, it was like a promo for pro wrestling. It was fine, then everyone is reacting poorly on the media and now I realize they act just like you do. Can you specify what's happened to you personally that made you so unreasonable?
If trump got everything he wants passed it would not affect me.

The thing is i care about other people not just myself. I dont like trump because i try to see his actions through the eyes of those it does affect.

Most people only care about their own demographic...so i cant blame anyone for being a white nationalist either...

The concerns of the white man is no issue for a black man and vice versa.

The few People like me see only human and american.

Trump is not for all americans...he is for conservative whites and the non whites who follow suit.

Im not left or right btw.
If trump got everything he wants passed it would not affect me.

The thing is i care about other people not just myself. I dont like trump because i try to see his actions through the eyes of those it does affect.

Most people only care about their own demographic...so i cant blame anyone for being a white nationalist either...

The concerns of the white man is no issue for a black man and vice versa.

The few People like me see only human and american.

Trump is not for all americans...he is for conservative whites and the non whites who follow suit.

Im not left or right btw.

Literally what, you can't even validate this kind of statement.
Literally what, you can't even validate this kind of statement.
Most of what he wants caters to conssrvative whites.

He says he wants to keep the demographics the same for starters.

If american means american then demographics shouldnt matter.

Being an american is all that matters.
Most of what he wants caters to conssrvative whites.

He says he wants to keep the demographics the same for starters.

If american means american then demographics shouldnt matter.

Being an american is all that matters.

Not true, Western Civilization needs demographics that support Western Civilization. I'd also need a source on him actually saying this.
If trump got everything he wants passed it would not affect me.

The thing is i care about other people not just myself. I dont like trump because i try to see his actions through the eyes of those it does affect.

Most people only care about their own demographic...so i cant blame anyone for being a white nationalist either...

The concerns of the white man is no issue for a black man and vice versa.

The few People like me see only human and american.

Trump is not for all americans...he is for conservative whites and the non whites who follow suit.

Im not left or right btw.
It's the natural progression after having Obama who was not for all Americans either. He started the identity politics that got Trump elected. Demographics haven't shifted as much as the Democrats thought they did. The working class white people are still the majority.
Not true, Western Civilization needs demographics that support Western Civilization. I'd also need a source on him actually saying this.
I have been trying to find the quote.

He said it in a recent speech.

Sure...i agree we need demographics that support western civilization.

2nd generation muslims are, from my experience pretty conforming.

Mexicans again, by the time the 2nd generation comes around they conform.

I live in Albuquerque. I dont think anyone here is concerned with mexicans not being apart of western civilization. People are more concerned about drugs.

Then again, narcotics is also an american buyers problem.