What happened to Adrien Brody?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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He was absolutely fantastic in The Pianist (2002) and he was great playing the retard in The Village

I thought he was going to be the next big thing in Hollywood but he fizzled out pretty quick

Next thing I knew, he was doing movies in China

There was a movie i remember him being very good in with i think Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley?

Edit: yep, The Jacket with Keira Knightley.
The last movie I saw him in was that Chinese movie with Jackie Can and John Cusack
I hope he never gets off the predator planet
Least he has company.


Is better than a volleyball.
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I don't know what your expectations were for him but he continues to work a lot. He gets parts in most Wes Anderson films, has done two prestige streaming series in recent years, and is in The Brutalist this year. That film is getting early awards buzz
Honestly I'm a but surprised Hollywood ever tried to push him as an action hero, great actor but he really doesnt have the look for that.

I thought he did pretty good but I agree it's not him at his peak.