What email service do you use?

Hotmail. Had it for so long it’s hard to get rid of.

I have a gmail just in case. I’ve had the gmail since it was “invite only”.

Same with me. I've had hotmail for 20 years. I got gmail right when it came out. I use various gmail accounts for spam and crap. My hotmail is my "real" one though. I also like my hotmail on resumes as it shows I'm old school and been around a while .............. ;)
@aol.com since Windows first came out in 1995.
Hotmail for the accounts I actually use.
Same with me. I've had hotmail for 20 years. I got gmail right when it came out. I use various gmail accounts for spam and crap. My hotmail is my "real" one though. I also like my hotmail on resumes as it shows I'm old school and been around a while .............. ;)

I remember feeling like I was part of some exclusive club when I got my invite for gmail.

A lot of my Highschool friends talked up Facebook when you had to affiliated with certain universities to join. Didn’t feel as cool when I was finally able to join with the rest of the poor rabble.
live.com is my mail addy. So that's outlook right?

Gmail is garbage imo. No idea how people enjoy that design / layout.
Right I have a gmail I use for junk mail, the woman uses a gmail as her primary.

Hotmail with outlook has so much better functionality it’s stupid her email (and my junk mail gmail) drive me upmthe wall with thier limitations.

I used to have a squirrel mail account years ago, can’t remeber the log ins to it or my yahoo or aol’s either.
You wish you were this witty
Gmail was cool back in the day but I changed to outlook after they redesigned the interface. Change for changes sake is a perfect way to describe the Google mentality and I hate that. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

My old email address was at xmail but I think it's probably a porn site now.
I have an old and still active Yahoo email from 2002, a hotmail email from the same year, two gmail accounts (One for personal and one for professional) and a Verizon email which has been switched over to AOL since Verizon retired their email service a few years ago and moved all their subscribers to AOL.

I mainly use the Gmail accounts now.

Got an easy to remember professional address. I dont kmow how long emails will be a thing but I've had it for about a decade now
3 emails. Had Hotmail since ‘97. Actually have my own name, no numbers or nothing. This one I use most.

Then I have two gmail accounts. One that I use to sign up for things online and I don’t want my actual name used. The third one is....I don’t know why I have it.
i use lots of email services.
google alone i have around 5 email addresses.
couple on yahoo.
one at microsoft.
one at icloud.

most are dormant and rarely accessed.
I will never use google or gmail or anything else that has zero respect for people's privacy.

You can't just say protonmail without giving reasons why choosing that one.
When I'm not utilizing PornHubs inbox you can catch me using Gmail.