What does gender mean?


Dec 22, 2009
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I know this seems like a loaded question, and maybe it is,but as I was reading through the TONS of gender identities, it led me to one big question. What does gender mean?
Well according to SJWs, it's a social construct. Unless we're talking about trannies. In that case, gender is something that you're born with, it's like a soul or something. Sometimes your body doesn't correspond with the gender that you were born with, in that case the only solution is to change your body via surgery.
Saying it's a social construct doesn't really define it for them though.
Saying it's a social construct doesn't really define it for them though.

I think that is the point. SJWs don't want gender to be defined so they can make up genders and talk about what special snowflakes they are.

Here is the dictionary definition:

Gender: the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
It's being changed to a social construct but it use to just mean sex. Now that the terms are split, it's whatever but it seems like people want the term split but to then also say the same rules applied to changing your gender ultimately change your sex which isn't the case.

I don't really care about these things. I get annoyed that most news stories are people arguing over terminology rather than solutions . It somewhat of a decay in a society when we can't even agree on words
Will anybody defend their position on why we should differentiate between sex and "gender"?
If you have a penis, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female.
Gender and sex both refer to having a related group biological characteristics that pertain to (primarily) one of two types*.

(*However, there are natural exceptions - intersex, hermaphrodite type situations - and some artificially created situations, where somebody no longer has biological characteristics that neatly fit either category, either.)

Trying to make gender about "what you wish you were" is insane.

And trying to make gender about "what type of personality you have, what you like, who you want to have sex with, etc" is actually more restrictive and engaging in stereotypes than is making gender simply about biology.
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I don't really care about these things. I get annoyed that most news stories are people arguing over terminology rather than solutions . It somewhat of a decay in a society when we can't even agree on words

These semantics are what most people argue about, especially on here, why the threads continue for eons, and why things never change, get solved etc.
Is "chromosomal category" a better question to ask on a job application since "gender" is semanticized
These semantics are what most people argue about, especially on here, why the threads continue for eons, and why things never change, get solved etc.
SJW's would complain it doesn't factor in non binary XX or XY chromosomes.
Gender is like a tattoo or piercing. It has a little longer longevity than a red carpet hairdo. Somewhere between that and a car.

It can also be what you want your child to be based on your own negative self-perception and/or jealousy of the other gender's advantages.

The concept is better defined by what Ellen says it is, or the gist of the feel you and your friends get when she touches on the topic whether it be grouped in with sexual-identifying terms or otherwise.

It is not associated in any way with mental illness unless you believe it is associated with sex, in which case you are just bigoted and not mentally I'll.

Or sumpin' (to clarify).
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These semantics are what most people argue about, especially on here, why the threads continue for eons, and why things never change, get solved etc.

I know. If I didn't merge threads, there would be 50 transgender threads on the front page