what does everybody think about an mma technique forum

I like it. IT's a good idea. It would be especially helpful when people ask things like, "How much does the guard change when striking is added," or "Is bobbing and weaving practical in MMA?" I think we should have this forum!!
SideofKO said:
I like it. IT's a good idea. It would be especially helpful when people ask things like, "How much does the guard change when striking is added," or "Is bobbing and weaving practical in MMA?" I think we should have this forum!!
then post in the damn link ,,,,, please
MMALibrary.com, SubFighter.com, Abhaya.ca and Lockflow.com already exist to serve that purpose and do well. Besides, if we ad another forum the bandwidth on on here is going to make paying membership mandatory and I don't think anyone wants that. If you can't get answers in either the Striking forum or here, a third forum won't help.
you was bobbin' when you should have been weavin'
maybe just put it in a sticky for our use as we are greedy grapplers
There is a user submitted techniques thread. If people wish to discuss grappling in relation to MMA they are welcome to do so here.