What Do You Think of These Types of Relationships?

In the US, 18 for a girl nowadays is like 25 for a girl 20 yrs ago. today's 21 yr old american girls have had more sex partners than most 21- 40 yr old dudes on sherdog. In brazil one out of 3 girls marry before they turn 18. They start dating at 12 yrs old. Most Korean or asian dudes don't start seriously dating till they're at least 18 and marry before they're 30. That said, i say it's a good match even tho she's 18 and he's 27. In some countries girls are considered hags if they don't marry by 25.

Fun fact: The Legal Age of Consent in Brazil is 14 years old. having sex with 13yr old girls or younger is considered statutory rape. We think they're weird and they think we're weird. Sorry America, you don't set the standard when it comes to planet Earth because different ethnic groups and nationalities have their own culture/standard to go by as well. just like you do.
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What type of relationships? I'm not watching a 12 minute video of 2 kids.

Are you referring to young people?
in latino and some asian countries , if she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed meaning it's not taboo for a man to sleep with a 13yr old girl who's reached maturity as far as her having her period and being able to physically have kids. it's accepted in their cultures.
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Who cares if there's an age difference if both parties are of legal age?
That may be true, but looking close in age shouldn't replace being close in age.

I feel like a Karen but doesn't anyone feel this is at least a bit wrong?

Used to think like you, but I just turned 38 and I met a stunning, smart 19 year old Syrian/German woman on a volunteer trip last year. Would have dated her with zero guilt.

At some point, depending on the people involved, age is just a number.
That may be true, but looking close in age shouldn't replace being close in age.

I feel like a Karen but doesn't anyone feel this is at least a bit wrong?
It would help if you clearly state your point, many of us won't be watching the video.

What is the issue? A 27y.o. with an 18y.o. or something else?
I'm confused. Wtf is going on itt?
Wierdo looking asian guy scored much above his league, bravo

Lmao at whining about age gap
Wierdo looking asian guy scored much above his league, bravo

Lmao at whining about age gap
Kid's like a 3. He probably couldn't land a single date in the SK so he outsourced, found a gullible kid who has never even dated before and knocked her up at 17. Sounds familiar to the husband of someone who just won a fight?

I mean good for him lol. Bet she's a BTS fan and would never have dated him if he weren't the same nationality as them. His weird features were masked by association.

Edit: And I'm not racist, it's just, how else would she think he's attractive...
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Kid's like a 3. He probably couldn't land a single date in the SK so he outsourced, found a gullible kid who has never even dated before and knocked her up at 17. Sounds familiar to the husband of someone who just won a fight?

I mean good for him lol. Bet she's a BTS fan and would never have dated him if he weren't the same nationality as them. His weird features were masked by association.

Edit: And I'm not racist, it's just, how else would she think he's attractive...

You sound a little jealous & a bit bitter. I don't mean that as an insult. Just as an observation.

So, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on in your life? Are you married? Seeing someone? If so how much of an age difference is there between you & your woman? And if you're not, what age range are you comfortable with dating?

Have you had a bad experience with an older guy being in a relationship with a younger woman that you know perhaps?

I'm just curious about your thought process in creating this thread.
Kid's like a 3. He probably couldn't land a single date in the SK so he outsourced, found a gullible kid who has never even dated before and knocked her up at 17. Sounds familiar to the husband of someone who just won a fight?

I mean good for him lol. Bet she's a BTS fan and would never have dated him if he weren't the same nationality as them. His weird features were masked by association.

Edit: And I'm not racist, it's just, how else would she think he's attractive...
Idk dude you say "good for him" but just sound bitter af for whatever reason lol

Lol 1 at "kid", 17 is age of consent in pretty much entire world, and for a reason
Do you think only people under 18 bang 17yo girls? Lol, him being younger than 30 is still in pretty common range, almost clean
If anything the problem back when one have 17yo is that most of hot girls of same age fuck with 20-25yo guys
I've been in the clubs for good amount of years (both client and security) and if some nerdish asian in his 20s doing that move rustle your jimmies, guess a single night in a club would make your head explode lol

Lol 2 at teenager brazilian girl who never dated before... maybe she SAID it in the vid? Did'nt watched it
Possible, but sound something rare

Lol over9000 at THIS guy being some kind of evil playboy with legendary skillz no innocent female can resist, who took advantage of her swinging his magic dick

MAYBE they just meet, age gap compensated score gap, they liked each other and he succeeded.
May add pretty possible he will be good husband for her, he probably know to be lucky
Good for him, nice underdog story
You sound a little jealous & a bit bitter. I don't mean that as an insult. Just as an observation.

So, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on in your life? Are you married? Seeing someone? If so how much of an age difference is there between you & your woman? And if you're not, what age range are you comfortable with dating?

Have you had a bad experience with an older guy being in a relationship with a younger woman that you know perhaps?

I'm just curious about your thought process in creating this thread.

Its strange, today I almost got sucked in to an argument with some dude who INSIST that older women are better than younger women. That they are better human beings almost all the time. To me this is the opposite. When you are young, there is less losses, setbacks, rejection and failed endeavor that can make someone most likely bitter or at least jaded.

That being said, everyone has their preference and our individual experience can shape our own bias ( we all have it, its human nature) in regards to what we like. But statistically, younger women are far more desired and this is not up for debate. That being said, I see tons of angry comments that use shame tactic to make you believe that "if you like younger women, then you are a sick human being"

But in regards to replying to the poster above. I am seeing this trend that shames men for liking younger women. Hell in the bitch ass country that I live, you get shamed and shit talked for not liking trans women. I am in process of getting my green card and getting the hell out of here and trying to make a life in U.S.

Anyways as far as this topic goes. Younger woman appeal is not just sex and her being tight. Its the fact that they have yet to experience life and are more passionate and have more enthusiasm for relationships and the newness of it all. They have a lust for life and they haven't had too much heartbreak to make them wary of the next guy they meet.
Maybe I'm too prude but I just don't think near 30 year old men should be in a relationship with 17 year olds. Watch the video, she looks, well, really young.

Or maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing I don't know.

Okay, FWIW ...

My girlfriend was born at the very end of February, and I was born at the start of July ... so March, April, May, June ... we are four-TEEN YEARS apart.
Sometimes age difference is great.

17 year old girl though?

Its strange, today I almost got sucked in to an argument with some dude who INSIST that older women are better than younger women. That they are better human beings almost all the time. To me this is the opposite. When you are young, there is less losses, setbacks, rejection and failed endeavor that can make someone most likely bitter or at least jaded.

That being said, everyone has their preference and our individual experience can shape our own bias ( we all have it, its human nature) in regards to what we like. But statistically, younger women are far more desired and this is not up for debate. That being said, I see tons of angry comments that use shame tactic to make you believe that "if you like younger women, then you are a sick human being"

But in regards to replying to the poster above. I am seeing this trend that shames men for liking younger women. Hell in the bitch ass country that I live, you get shamed and shit talked for not liking trans women. I am in process of getting my green card and getting the hell out of here and trying to make a life in U.S.

Anyways as far as this topic goes. Younger woman appeal is not just sex and her being tight. Its the fact that they have yet to experience life and are more passionate and have more enthusiasm for relationships and the newness of it all. They have a lust for life and they haven't had too much heartbreak to make them wary of the next guy they meet.

Well, I'm in the odd position where I've always seemed to attract women younger than myself. And I've always tended to have interests & engaged in activities that don't appeal to women of my own age group. So, consequently, when I was in my 20s I was in relationships with girls 3 to 5 years younger, then when I was 29 I met a 19-year-old & we wound up in an 8-year relationship, after that I met my first wife who was also 10 years younger. Following my divorce after 10 years, I met my second wife who was 21 years younger & now, I find myself in a relationship with a woman 24 years younger. It's been more circumstance than anything. I mean, I've never turned down a woman closer to my own age. I just don't really know any.
Its strange, today I almost got sucked in to an argument with some dude who INSIST that older women are better than younger women. That they are better human beings almost all the time. To me this is the opposite. When you are young, there is less losses, setbacks, rejection and failed endeavor that can make someone most likely bitter or at least jaded.

That being said, everyone has their preference and our individual experience can shape our own bias ( we all have it, its human nature) in regards to what we like. But statistically, younger women are far more desired and this is not up for debate. That being said, I see tons of angry comments that use shame tactic to make you believe that "if you like younger women, then you are a sick human being"

But in regards to replying to the poster above. I am seeing this trend that shames men for liking younger women. Hell in the bitch ass country that I live, you get shamed and shit talked for not liking trans women. I am in process of getting my green card and getting the hell out of here and trying to make a life in U.S.

Anyways as far as this topic goes. Younger woman appeal is not just sex and her being tight. Its the fact that they have yet to experience life and are more passionate and have more enthusiasm for relationships and the newness of it all. They have a lust for life and they haven't had too much heartbreak to make them wary of the next guy they meet.

Older women have their place IF they are still somewhat youthful and sexual. If I were to to give advice to a younger, inexperienced guy, it would be to (not seriously) date older women.

I generally think the dating world would be better if younger men got 'broken in' by older women and older men got with younger women. I feel like I've read of a some southeast Asian island tribe we're this is the case. After the dating experiences I've had, it makes the most logical sense.
Kid's like a 3. He probably couldn't land a single date in the SK so he outsourced, found a gullible kid who has never even dated before and knocked her up at 17. Sounds familiar to the husband of someone who just won a fight?

I mean good for him lol. Bet she's a BTS fan and would never have dated him if he weren't the same nationality as them. His weird features were masked by association.

Edit: And I'm not racist, it's just, how else would she think he's attractive...
How could someone that isn't you and is presumably also a different gender find different things attractive than you do

Maybe I'm too prude but I just don't think near 30 year old men should be in a relationship with 17 year olds. Watch the video, she looks, well, really young.

Or maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing I don't know.
They look the same age. They look happy. I don't need to investigate their lives and they don't need my approval.