What do you Sherdoggers do to stay focused?

To stay focused I usually just...SQUIRREL!

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Here's some tricks of the trade that I've picked up through my travels in the Mayberry......

Made up karate works wonder. It just gets me in the fucking zone.


George Michael is one hauntingly poetic motherfucker. The right music soothes the soul & can improve your work/study habits immensely. Start with Careless Whisper & work your way through his greatest hits. You're welcome.

Walk into a room & fill it with uppercuts. Any room. Nothing is spared. A favorite of the Mayberry. Old reliable. Just do it. It's not up for debate or further explanation.

I imagine all the guys out there out working me and coming for my spot.
In college i would try to start papers early, then go back and forth between working on it and dicking around until it was really late. Then I would finish the paper with extreme anxiety while cursing myself for being such a procrastinator. I guess i can't really help unless like me extreme deadlines make you do good work.
Besides Adderall, obviously.

I find myself constantly picking up my phone or surfing sherdog / the internet when my time could be spent actually working and getting things done. I've tried supplements like L-Carnitine or a mixture of supplements you could find on amazon, and these don't seem to have the desired effect. Some definitely work better than others, but I still find it difficult to focus and stay productive.

I'm actually in the process of creating this thread when I should be working. Anyone have recommendations?

One can of green tea and some vitamin B.
Weed, pussy, beer and reminding myself got no kids or wifey. LMFAO!
fuck being focused.
too much work for little reward
I prefer to be scattered
I'm a terribly scatter-brained person.

I just persist until all my small spurts of productivity add up to something resembling an accomplishment.

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