What do you gentlemen eat for breakfast?


Purple Belt
Jun 1, 2012
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I basically eat:

2 dl Oats(That would be somewhat less than a cup for you Americans).
Almond milk
some Quark to get the protein up(recently started to add this when I realized I was somewhat low in protein through out the day).
Cinnamon to make it taste good.

1-2 Hard boiled eggs

One big mugg of black coffee(I'm a psychopath).

Been off bread and juices for years now. I love not having to go through a glycemic dump a couple of hours after breakfast.
Handful of dry oatmeal and a bottle of water

Here we go with the I drink black coffee I'm evil shit. I called this earlier
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I've gone full low-t soy boy beta cuck and succumbed to the awesomeness that is avacado toast.

7 grain toast with 1/2 an avacado spread on top. Then I put an overeasy egg on top of that. Been having that every morning for a month.

I love all breakfast foods though
Intermittent fasting bro

First meal 3pm last bite 8:59Pm

Getting shredded
Those are great choices for breakfast, TS. My first meal is usually 5-6 eggs omelette/scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon, or lots of oats, honey and banana or two, usually with some yogurt.
Pieces of shit like you

Jk...that's gross
I do something similar to anabolic diet. So on low carb training, 3 dates + walnuts and peanut butter.

On low- fat, tons of fruits. Low fat though I can do during summer or any time its super warm. Don't feel like eating fatty foods. I just have to make sure to not mix fats and carbs together.
Scrambled eggs from cage free, anti-biotic free chickens, with butter, and some soft bacon. I dont like crispy bacon. And some lactose free milk.
Avocado on toast sounds amazing! Plenty of good fats with vitamins and minerals I imagine.

I'm not a morning guy. I can;t eat for a good couple of hours in to the day.
Eggs, chorizo, potatoes, toast, coffee
4 eggs scrambled + salsa
Bacon, sausage and eggs, and cranberry juice for drink. if its hot drink then tea.

occasionally with have some of my sons cereals, I like the cinnamon toast crunch cereal.
Nothing. I do intermittent fasting, so I only eat 2 meals a day. Lunch is anywhere from 11AM to 1PM. Dinner is around 5PM. That saying that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is bullshit.

I've lost over 25 pounds of fat in a little over 5 months, so I guess I'm doing something right.
I’m pretty standard for bacon and eggs, wheat toast and oatmeal every morning. Occasionally corned beef hash or I’ll make a skillet.
Bagel with honey almond cream cheese and 3 cups of black coffee extra sweet

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