What do you do If you can't train at a gym.

Teknical Itch

Purple Belt
Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score
Had to turn my car in. Barely make enough money to pay rent. Ride my bike 12 miles to and from work. Can't afford to pay gym memberships or get transportation to gyms in time for classes.

What things do you do to keep yourself in the game?

But seriously, just keep yourself in good shape and stretch.
it depends on how important it is to you. i was in a worse situation, but decided jiu-jitsu was the most important thing to me, and i found a way.

you can at least get instructionals, and books and stuff to keep your head in the game. i'm sure you can find some way to pay a mat fee once in a while at a school with open mat or something.
If you made any friends who train, perhaps you can find ways to roll with them in your/their spare time.
Public transportation isn't possible? Getting rides from people who go to the gym you want to attend? Moped?

If not, perhaps taking a break is a good idea, get your finances in order and take care of yourself first, then train later when you can.
Like somebody else said, I would try to bum a ride off of anybody from your gym that might go by where you live or work. Or if you're in a city with a train or bus system try to figure out if that's a reasonable option. Aside from that, if you're having trouble making ends meet and paying the rent, then it's probably best you take time off from training. I agree that BJJ is important, but it's not that important if you're just scraping by.
YMCA or local Colleges usually offer good classes. I would try checking them out.
yeah I'm more interested in taking care of myself. My main question was what do you do to keep yourself since you can't train which is the way it is for me for the time being.

I can't train at a gym I just cant afford it. books, video all sound great. Any exercises that people do or other activities that don't cost money.
yeah I'm more interested in taking care of myself. My main question was what do you do to keep yourself since you can't train which is the way it is for me for the time being.

I can't train at a gym I just cant afford it. books, video all sound great. Any exercises that people do or other activities that don't cost money.

You could find a cheap judo club and train there. Also you could go memorize all the videos from this site.


Sometimes a little time off is a good thing and makes it more fun when you start again.

Good Luck.
Yikes, get a better job? Or take a free money management course. Seriously this isn't a grappling forum question this is a question to ask someone who is familiar with budgeting and/or job placement.
Yikes, get a better job? Or take a free money management course. Seriously this isn't a grappling forum question this is a question to ask someone who is familiar with budgeting and/or job placement.

no that is absolutely not the question. Shit happeneds I'll be back on top soon, but for the next year or so I'd like to keep some what active. The question is more on the lines of have any of you ever been thru these situations and what did you do to hold your self over?
I really like the judo idea. Seriously, it is usually pretty cheap and yow will have some nice standup skills to show for it.
Just work on solo drills, shrimping, hip mobility, etc. Get a heavy bag and pound it around. If you can get some guys and mats, you can have partners to train with at home.

I think that's all anyone could suggest.

Keep your head up, man, sorry to hear times are tough.
no that is absolutely not the question. Shit happeneds I'll be back on top soon, but for the next year or so I'd like to keep some what active. The question is more on the lines of have any of you ever been thru these situations and what did you do to hold your self over?

Ah, sorry about that man. While I was injured I rehabbed and road a bike (no lateral movement on my knee). I would find something free that you like doing, and stay in shape with it. Ultimate Frisbee in the park(it is spring), if you are in college join a martial arts club (my school had one but it was rubbish), if you know someone with a big basement, buy $40 puzzle mats and train down in the basement with friends. Hope things turn around for you financially.