what diet are you all on?

I log my meals daily and try to stay under my "budget"... I don't focus on a specific diet, but try to avoid process foods. I don't 100% adhere to the that either.

I work out and run regularly.

I lost 50+lbs after letting myself go for awhile when the kids come into my life. Was fairly embarrassed about how I looked and didn't feel too great either.

That was two years and I don't think of it as a diet anymore, it's lifestyle choice that changed my life.

Big props man. Im in a similar boat. I finally got my basement cleaned out and got my workout equipment setup. Since Late last year I’ve been dieting and exercising. Im currently averaging about 1650 calories a day which is about half of what I was eating before. I am 6’1” and was about 250lbs for 3 years. I started to creep up to 256 so i decided to make a change. I am also going out west for a hunting trip later this year so I want to get in shape for it. I’ve currently lost 31 lbs in 58 days. I feel great, my clothes barely fit anymore and I’m building muscle. I haven’t taken a single cheat day. My current diet consists of high protein and slightly lower carbs and fat. High fiber, high potassium and low sodium. I have two deer in the freezer so I’ve been eating venison nearly everyday. Fruits, veggies, eggs, yogurt and protein bars. Only water. I can get protein bars for 10 cents so I’m stocked up on a bunch of different ones. They taste like shit but I don’t even pay attention to taste anymore. Im currently at 225lbs aiming to be at 199 by October.
between 1750-2000 calories per day. alcohol only friday and Saturday. cardio 3 days per week and 3 lifting days per week.
Currently trying to lose some weight. I don't necessarily watch exactly what I eat. Eat enough protein and get my calories at a 500 calorie deficit a day. That's it. Down 10 pounds in January. You don't need some bullshit keto diet to lose weight.
Currently trying to lose some weight. I don't necessarily watch exactly what I eat. Eat enough protein and get my calories at a 500 calorie deficit a day. That's it. Down 10 pounds in January. You don't need some bullshit keto diet to lose weight.
keto is great for athletes prepping for a show to lean out. I did it for 5 months and lost 30lbs but then was done with it. it is not a long term solution. caloric deficit + some exercise is the way to go.
My supervisor is doing Keto combined with fasting. He looks like he's dying on the inside. I encourage him to continue on his current path.
I fasted twice a week for 2 months them once a week for about 4 months. I lost a heap of weight and it totally reset my relationship and thought process towards food and kick started my metabolism. I've sat around 90kg for around a year now with little to no exercise where as before I'd blow out to 100+kg Ina very short time.

I maybe fast once a month or so not by force, just because some days I won't feel the need to eat
I’m on a low calorie diet atm. I burn 2800-3200 a day and I’m eating about 2000. I try to choose healthy foods too, high protein, low sugar if poss
I’m on a low calorie diet atm. I burn 2800-3200 a day and I’m eating about 2000. I try to choose healthy foods too, high protein, low sugar if poss

my BMR is supposed to be about 2075 for my age, weight and height etc however i did 2 weeks of strict clean diet and no booze with my normal workouts at that BMR level and I wasn't losing weight. I adjusted it down to 1750 and suddenly that extra deficit resulted in weight loss.
Salmon, steak, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chicken Parmesan, mixed greens w/ homemade ranch, oats w/ honey, fajitas w/o tortillas
Eons ago I was weights only-no cardio.

But I had a pretty clean diet (even though I drank a lot of booze) and was very lean with pretty decent muscle mass.

Granted I was much younger, but nowadays I do a ton of cardio and not as much weights. Oddly enough, I'm not nearly as lean as when I was weights only.

My diet isn't terrible, but it could be better.

Trying to incorporate more days to lifting while keeping up with the cardio.

And working on keeping alcohol on the weekends only.
Eat whatever I want given I hit my caloric intake and macro-nutrients. Generally I'm very carb heavy.
No diet. I've always ate what I've wanted and could never gain weight if I tried. It's always "wait until you're older it'll change" but I've passed 30 ..so I'm sure everyone will start saying "wait until you hit 40". I'm 6"2 160...and I joke I'm really 400 lbs on the inside though. So we shall see...
No diet. I've always ate what I've wanted and could never gain weight if I tried. It's always "wait until you're older it'll change" but I've passed 30 ..so I'm sure everyone will start saying "wait until you hit 40". I'm 6"2 160...and I joke I'm really 400 lbs on the inside though. So we shall see...
Your metab doesn't really change that much. Its a popular myth as you get older it magically disappears. Reason is mostly because as we get older we have more responsibilities such as career, family, investments, whatever. So you can't really train 6 days x2 a week anymore. Less activity level in your day, lower the metab goes
Been on keto for two years. Probably not for everyone, but it works for me and has made a huge difference in my life. It never felt like a huge sacrifice since I never had much of a sweet tooth and never really liked fruit (and by "fruit", I mean "you guys").
Eons ago I was weights only-no cardio.

But I had a pretty clean diet (even though I drank a lot of booze) and was very lean with pretty decent muscle mass.

Granted I was much younger, but nowadays I do a ton of cardio and not as much weights. Oddly enough, I'm not nearly as lean as when I was weights only.

My diet isn't terrible, but it could be better.

Trying to incorporate more days to lifting while keeping up with the cardio.

And working on keeping alcohol on the weekends only.

Tell you what, I am experiencing this too

I've pulled the cardio right back and started lifting and my body is transforming in a very positive way .

On topic

My diet has also changed

It consists of mainly "whole fuel" which is my proteins version of a soylent type drink

I'll try to get all my calories from that but not super strict about it. For example a couple of days back I made a delicious thai red curry which tasted 10x better for not having ate real food in like 6 days

To be honest I feel great on this stuff. I feel full and happy

I am also taking in plenty of the stuff. I weigh 165, do zero cardio and drink down 2300 calories worth per day

From my estimations I am certainly gaining muscle and slowly reducing fat.
Eat when im hungry stop when im full diet

- basic basic basic
- lean protein, fibrous carbs, good fats
- change it up here and there when I feel like it but still keep it within the basics.
Big props man. Im in a similar boat. I finally got my basement cleaned out and got my workout equipment setup. Since Late last year I’ve been dieting and exercising. Im currently averaging about 1650 calories a day which is about half of what I was eating before. I am 6’1” and was about 250lbs for 3 years. I started to creep up to 256 so i decided to make a change. I am also going out west for a hunting trip later this year so I want to get in shape for it. I’ve currently lost 31 lbs in 58 days. I feel great, my clothes barely fit anymore and I’m building muscle. I haven’t taken a single cheat day. My current diet consists of high protein and slightly lower carbs and fat. High fiber, high potassium and low sodium. I have two deer in the freezer so I’ve been eating venison nearly everyday. Fruits, veggies, eggs, yogurt and protein bars. Only water. I can get protein bars for 10 cents so I’m stocked up on a bunch of different ones. They taste like shit but I don’t even pay attention to taste anymore. Im currently at 225lbs aiming to be at 199 by October.

Sounds good to me. I don’t buy the “fat” is bad bullshit. I eat some carbs, but try to keep them lower, especially in the morning and at lunch, because they seem to make me drowsy sometimes.

I alternate breakfast often, usually an egg or two, but sometimes a banana. Always have cottage cheese.

Dinner is my toughest time. My wife keeps all kinds of crap food around.... So the temptation to binge out is strong. Lol.

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