What cigs do you smoke?

I smoked Export As in the red package in the 90s. Used to get 3 packs for $10 at Bargain Harolds. Its now like $18 a pack here now. Glad I quit.
$500/mth just lit on fire, man what a drug cig's are.

Where would you guess you fall in the ranks of most typical smokers (not just weekend guys)? Bottom 50% or top 50%? Just a guess based on what you observe when around other smokers and if you think they smoke more or less than you typically?
Yup, literally burning money, there's no defense for it either. I will say when I started it was 3 packs for $5.75 in New Hampshire and now they're right around $10 per pack. That would've been around 1994-95. As to your question I would say I typically smoke a little more than other people. I'm right around a pack and a half a day so I probably average two cigarettes an hour for every hour I'm awake
I remember getting Camel Turkish Jades 2 for $2.75.

Switch to a vape if you can, you'll feel so much better.
Never liked vapes. Haven't tried them in a couple years now but the ones I have tried couldn't get the menthol flavor correct. It always seemed more minty than menthol to me, the ones I've tried anyway
Cigs are gross.
As someone who smoked for 30 years I'll never look down my nose on anyone for smoking but going to Vegas last year where it's legal to smoke indoors I found the smell irritating. I never go Downtown anymore but even as a full time smoker where their air con is ancient I found it awful.
Those the Kowboy killers!