What are your thoughts on new age spirituality?


Silver Belt
Oct 13, 2006
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It seems more and more people I talk to are into this stuff. Whether it is yoga, meditation, astral projection, third eye opening, law of attraction, etc. Personally I think it is a dangerous path, it leads to nihilism since people who are "awakened" no longer give a crap about the world they live in. I also don't know anyone who does this outside of middle class or upper class white people. And yes I do know that one of the videos I posted is not a white person but it still seems rare.

Anyone consider themselves new agers or practice any of this stuff?

I think it's stupid but to each his own
A lot of nonsense it seems to me; sometimes it's based on genuine spiritual traditions - not to say they are necessarily "real" either, but they at least have cultural significance and elements of truth, or some kind of philosophical depth - and repackage it and commercialise it. Case in point the commercialisation of native American traditions, there are some great articles about that. Or else the dumbing down of eastern religious/philosophical ideas and practices to New Age feel-good mumbo-jumbo, e.g. inspirational quotes with Buddha statues in the background. With a name like Zazen I am sure you can relate?
Nowadays when I hear people say they are spiritual, it's just a code for saying they are religious but they don't like organized religion.

This is the bullshit they are eating, different brand, same shit.
I don't care about anyone's spiritual/religious beliefs as long as they don't harm anyone and their basis is to be kind and give to others.
A lot of nonsense it seems to me; sometimes it's based on genuine spiritual traditions - not to say they are necessarily "real" either, but they at least have cultural significance and elements of truth, or some kind of philosophical depth - and repackage it and commercialise it. Case in point the commercialisation of native American traditions, there are some great articles about that. Or else the dumbing down of eastern religious/philosophical ideas and practices to New Age feel-good mumbo-jumbo, e.g. inspirational quotes with Buddha statues in the background. With a name like Zazen I am sure you can relate?

I like studying about religions and I do some meditation and lucid dreaming. I'm skeptical about astral projection. I still think it is a very lucid dream but I know there are people who don't agree. I guess my issue with the new age stuff is most don't bother to travel or read up about the places where it came from. It seems like a short cut to enlightenment without putting any of the hard work into it. That's probably why it is so popular with young millenials. There is zero accountability since this reality isn't real or whatever. The irony of new age stuff is that these people often have the biggest egos.
My thoughts are, “Whatever floats your boat.”

It personally seems dumb to me, but I’m happy if it makes people happy. Just please don’t try to sell it to me when I’m about my business or I will punch you in the nuts and walk away.
I think I'm going to build my next house inside-out so I can have air-conditioning in my backyard
Something about the all mighty Cube...
Conspiracy-level scams perpetuated by the same personalities who are unable to keep up with a proper rigorous analysis of the world but still need to feel like they have some deep hidden knowledge that no one else does.

We had a guy in here a while back who was way into this stuff and quite articulate actually - made for a few fun threads. Don't remember his handle now.