I have two weird recurring dreams.
First one: For some reason i have to go to school but i haven't been there forever and i feel this panic in the dream. I think it's guilt from dropping out of high school.
I have the one where I'm punching in slow motion and can't knock the dude down.
i lost a lot of people last year and this year i've been finding myself dreaming about them a lot. in my dreams i know they're dead in real life and i'm just dreaming, so i take the chance to be with them again, even if it's not real.I have the one where I'm punching in slow motion and can't knock the dude down.
The worst ones are when people in my life that have died are there and I'm convinced it's real, then i wake up and have to re-understand that they're gone.
I wake up crying hysterically to some of those.
always same things since was kid
people chasing me to murder me, rape me, or rape n murder me
but in recent months ive been killing people that are after me, so i think thats good lol
i mean better to fight back than keep running right?
i lost a lot of people last year and this year i've been finding myself dreaming about them a lot. in my dreams i know they're dead in real life and i'm just dreaming, so i take the chance to be with them again, even if it's not real.
my dreams have also been guilting me about my dead pets too lol
like ill see them back in a dark corner, as if they were forgotten and left behind, and i feel so bad
im like no, i never forgot you, you're just dead, i can't take care of you if you're dead ):
ahh, gonna cry lmao ffs GUILT ME IRL TOO APPARENTLY
Even though I am 10 years removed from my university days, I still get nightmare about missing assignment or having to write a test I didn't study for.
that sounds shitty as hell. would find that emotionally exhausting, in one night having to accept loss twice over.I have this one where my dad is there (he passed 11 years ago) and i'm beside myself because he's explaining to me that he has to leave for good. So I'm bawling in the dream, i wake up with tears in my eyes, and at first i am relieved that it's just a dream...he's not leaving, but then i get to realize he is dead. It's such a mindfuck.
I wish they were like yours and i could use it to spend time with them, but even that must be a bit heartbreaking when you awake.