What age group do you think you look the best?

This thread is way to objective. Where are the Sherdoggers that are 40 or 50 and are looking and feeling better than ever?
30 is my best. Found my style. I'm currently in it so that's great. Looking forward to crushing it in my 40s
30 to now

In better shape, start to understand how to put together a decent wardrobe, finally find a haircut that suit the shape of my head. More importantly, being more comfortable in my own skin, I think I carried myself a lot better than I did in my 20s.
This thread is way to objective. Where are the Sherdoggers that are 40 or 50 and are looking and feeling better than ever?

Somewhere where there's no mirrors.

I was skinny, but limber and athletic when young.
Somewhat heavy and broken down now.
Perfection in early 30s.
I feel prime 27-33 again whenever I log on to Sherdog

From about 19 to about 25 for me. I had boy band good looks and got a lot of attention from women.

Now, I’m around 40 and my students think I look like Professor Snape from Harry Potter.
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I think I look better everyday. I'll try to let you know the day I die. That will probably be my best age.
I was a model aged 18. I'm still attractive now aged 44 but it's dad that works out rather than just youth and genes. I'll never compete with my peak, but I'm planning to look pretty good in my 50s as I focus more on cardio, aesthetic lifting. Might see what dat there trt is like, who knows!
Looked like shit in 20s about to look like shit in 30s lol
I think my best was mid 20's I could deadlift 425 twice raw and made my personal record bench press of 265 and I don't have T-rex arms. I'm mid 30's now and think the best is yet to come though once I hit 40 and get on that TRT.
I'm rounding to 50 and in the best shape I've ever been in my life. Both cardio and strength.
Very early 30s got more or less same look of middle 20s, and i had better fashion sense and behaved with bit more class wich play big role on your appearance
Also got bit more beard wich made me do my age role easier as without it i looked waaay younger (i still do at 40 lol)

For females it's 20s, after they learn dark magic warpaint shit and gimmicks but youth is priceless

Might have a little bit of a dad gut, but have the bank roll to dress classy and the self confidence.

Also a full head of salt and pepper hair goes along way.
20s obviously. There are exceptions but a lot of people fall off by their 30s.
I think my mid 40s will be great, I just have to get back in shape. Clooney styles.
Probably before I started doing hard drugs. From 9-11 I was a specimen.

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