what a shitty night


Fear the Menanite!!!
Aug 1, 2002
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Well, my first day back to jiu jitsu since...wed. I've been sick since then and boy did it show, I got my ass handed to me by a white belt of about 11 months (I have a little over 3 years experince), whom I normally school with abandon..I just felt like my body was gunna give out at any moment. A few friggen days and I feel like my stamina is set back 6 months :-\. At least Danny (the kid I was rolling with) took to heart the advice I gave him about committing to a technique and seeing it through 100%.
it happens. doubt your set back. get your cardio back....by training- no biggie
How long have you been sick for? I'm just coming off a bad two week flu and I had to take time off a month ago because of ring worm. I'm not looking forward to the roll rust.
Your fine man. Sucks when you get sick and it drains you like that.
I've just had exactly the same thing happen. Was ill for a week (didn't leave my bed, and couldn't eat) and lost 6lbs.

First lesson back, I was so weak it was crazy. People who I would usually have no problem with could easily overpower me. That was almost a week ago now and I'm still not back to form.

Just have to build up the cardio and get into the flow gradually I suppose.
I was sick from friday--->well, tuesday with some remnants of the cold/flue still being there last night. Well, time to kick my ass back into gear. I guess the worst part of it was Maguilla, who usually is always screaming at me to slow down and "go easy" was like "go get him.." I think he may of forgot I was sick because I manhandled the 2 people before me, one of whom has a year of training on me....oh well, I usually have a quick turn around. Time to see what tonight brings at my own class.
It's scary out a bad cold or the flu can set you back. I got the flu on Xmas eve and am still having a hard time getting back to where I was before.

I've just started to relapse a little bit--or maybe I'm just catching a cold. That's more illness in two months than I've had in about two years!

Probably a good time to focus on "technique" ...