Elections West Virginia Governor flashes Dog's rear end; tells everyone to Kiss the Heinie

Many Democrats have expressed hatred toward the common working people of west Virginia. I can understand by the governor would be upset.
No hatred but tough love to get the state from performing so badly in every measurable metric.
That is the problem with Americans today too soft.
Michael Jordan got cut from his High School basketball. He did not tell that coach to kiss his dog’s ass, he busted his ass and got better. Now he is considered the GOAT. Ultimately he proved that guy wrong. WV governor went the cowards/soft way and not doing anything to make his state better because he is too mentally weak to do better. He crumbled under criticism.
Seems like you took the bait as well.
Look at where WV ranks and tell me the governor should be whining about what a non relevant celebrity is saying about his poor performing state. Someone tells me I suck I prove them wrong and do not use my dogs ass as a prop for my poor performance.

I would be acting like open night at the Chuckle Hut if I was a governor posting these kind of numbers. Any fucking thing to distract voters from my poor performance..
This is the costal elite vs heartland debate. City slickers vs country folk. I’m somewhat traveled and have actually lived in WV at one time. Myself I prefer rural areas to cities for so many reasons. Crime is the #1 reason. The sanitation in most cities are appalling, NYC, New Orleans, Chicago, LA ect.. these places literally stink and are disgusting swamps of human waste. Give me the Dakotas, Montana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Colorado ect.. over these ghetto areas anyday.

I travel all around the midwest, from cities like Chicago and KC to rural places where there's maybe 1000 people in an entire county.

Rural places smell too. Cities smell of smog and exhaust, but plenty of rural places smell like manure for miles around.
Many Democrats have expressed hatred toward the common working people of west Virginia. I can understand by the governor would be upset.

This is a really stupid post. Most of Joe Biden’s Democrat platform would greatly help the people of WV. Like the extension of the child tax credit that Manchin voted against. The BBB helps the people there as well

But sure the Dems hate the working people there
It amuses me that after all the vile disgusting shit the left has said over the past few years that this dog thing has them all-

you just make up shit whenever you feel like it eh. I would think someone from the “fuck your feelings” Party wouldn’t be such a wimp
you just make up shit whenever you feel like it eh. I would think someone from the “fuck your feelings” Party wouldn’t be such a wimp
Fuck off. This thread wouldn't be here if what I said wasn't true, idiot.
Fuck off. This thread wouldn't be here if what I said wasn't true, idiot.

Yes it would. WV would still be a horribly run state and near last in all metrics. Once again you’re a clueless boob like always.

and if you look at what the democrats wanted to pass (or passed) this year you’d realize they do much more for the working class of the state than what the Republicans would ever do for them. In fact republicans do nothing but make their lives much much worse.
WV is a smouldering trash heap full of toothless inbred mutants and this piece of shit is desperate to keep it that way because actually doing something to materially improve their lives is antithetical to everything he stands for.
I like the lefts response such hypocrites… Orange man bad mean to reporter !! Biden calling reporter SOB is good .. now this response bad again
Seems normal for third world Murrka
It's sad this has distracted from the real point: Manchin voted against the "infrastructure" bill that would have killed WV's only real industry, and dems and coastal elites are big mad about it.
It's sad this has distracted from the real point: Manchin voted against the "infrastructure" bill that would have killed WV's only real industry, and dems and coastal elites are big mad about it.
You mean that industry that has been dying for 40 years.
Many Democrats have expressed hatred toward the common working people of west Virginia. I can understand by the governor would be upset.
Example is the first post claiming WV is a 3rd world country. Look at the people who Liked that.
and if it's killed, the state has nothing.
Except the energy jobs of the future that they could have if Republicans and Joe Manchin would stop standing in the way to protect their own financial interests.
Except the energy jobs of the future that they could have if Republicans and Joe Manchin would stop standing in the way to protect their own financial interests.
Yeah, because it’s so easy as a worker to go from mining coal to working on solar panels and wind turbines :rolleyes:
Yeah, because it’s so easy as a worker to go from mining coal to working on solar panels and wind turbines :rolleyes:
Wow, are you saying everyone from WV is too dumb to learn something new?