

Purple Belt
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I was rolling last night and a guy got me into an armbar. Before I had a chance to tap, he cranked it hard and we both heard a weird pop noise from my elbow sorta. This morning, my arm hurts when I put it so that the elbow goes flat (they way it goes during an armbar).

Has anybody here ever had this happen to them? Will it be a problem or will the pain go away soon enough? Any tips on making it hurt less other than take some advil?
Go to a doctor.

If you don't want to for some reason, glucosamine sulphate pills, icing the elbow and some rest should help.
same thing happened to me but i refused to let it slow me down.

I went to doctor for it but they couldnt do much, and they dicked around forever to get me to an MRI.
So what i did was just take care of it. Ice it, 20 mins on 20 mins off. Keep icing it every time you got free time. It will keep the swelling down and keep the healing up. Just try to rest it. QUIT ROLLING. you should take a week or two off doing anything IMOP. Then start going back to class but only stay for the technique part. Every day after class Wrap the arm with a compression bandage and ice it. Or a Cold compression bandage. If you do this like im telling you.. youll be back on the mat in a month or two..

If you dont and try to go back to the mat you risk a worse injury and probably will never be the same. I feel 100% better and its been 2.5 months.
I would take Ib profen when i got home or before i would go to sleep. Swelling is your enemy and you need to keep it down.

Try to do light exercises with it when it starts to feel a little better in a week or two. Like 2 lb weight doing circular motions. Or one of those rehabilitation bands and do elbow movements to get it on its way to recovery. Also running and other activity that do not involve your elbow will help.
It will flush out the old blood and get new blood in the injury to help the recovery process.

Dont give up, keep going to class. learn the techniques, dont do anything to put strain on the elbow. When it finally feels better then give it two more weeks before you start rolling. Do it right the first time because you wont get a second chance.

Go to the doctor if you want. They told me surgery to fix mine and i am back to normal just by taking care of it.. Im totaly against surgery...
I'm going to skip my Saturday class and the Monday class also, this well give me 4 days to see if it is making any improvements. I figure if it doesn't feel better by then, I'll just go see a doctor. When I heard that pop, man...I thought it was gonna be real bad.
General rule that doesn't apply for knees and necks: one pop, small injury. Two pops, serious injury. Three pops, major surgery.
you should visit a doctor long term it may get worse and eventually become serious if you persist in rolling
LCDforMe said:
I'm going to skip my Saturday class and the Monday class also, this well give me 4 days to see if it is making any improvements. I figure if it doesn't feel better by then, I'll just go see a doctor. When I heard that pop, man...I thought it was gonna be real bad.

Yes, go see a doctor!

Best advice anyone could give you.

And why was that one fella up there in the thread against surgery?
Thanks a ton guys!

I'm taking some Tylenol and icing it about every other hour for half hour or so. Taking a few days off should let me know if it'll get better or the doctor needs to be visited. Thanks again, guys. [/thread]
My elbow popped twice and that was about 3 months ago.

It still niggles a bit when I hyper extend it, but it has definitely gotten better. Just ice it, that helps a lot, and if you roll, tell the person not to do anything to that arm (armbars, or the other types of arm/shoulder lock (kimura, figure 4 locks etc.))

I didn't visit the doctor, but it migth still be a good idea to do so.
I did pretty much the same thing last year. Except it was I was trying an escape from an armbar and i was new at the escape and turned my arm the wrong way causing it to get even tighter and the next thing you know I hear a loud POP. Didn't hurt at the time but in the morning it hurt to extend it...and this was a month before baseball and I'm a pitcher.

I had to sit out for the season cause i couldn't throw a baseball which was kind of depressing. But it took me, I'd say, 5 months to completely heal it...I never went to the doctors tho...not that I think they can do much for it.

BTW it only really effected baseball and sometimes throwing a punch would hurt. I was back grappling maybe a week after that? I just told people to go light on that arm and if they get anything I'm going to tap immediatley before its locked in.
The injury that you most likely substained was a hyper-extension of the hing joint. Due to the fact that your elbow is a hing joint, and not a ball joint it will give out a poping sound more easily. I am not telling you to not go to the doctor, but I believe you just hyper-extended your elbow. The reason you are having the pain in you elbow only when you straighten it out is because you pulled some of the ligiments and cartelage farther than it is use to being extended so it hurts. I would suggest to do the heat and cold method and light working. Make sure you do not get into any more armbars for atleast two weeks. If the pain does not go away in two weeks then make sure to see a doctor.
i had both elbows busted up for the past year, all of a sudden they quit hurting, could be the lack of training the past few months that have given them much needed rest.
defintily take care of them
LCDforMe said:
Thanks a ton guys!

I'm taking some Tylenol and icing it about every other hour for half hour or so. Taking a few days off should let me know if it'll get better or the doctor needs to be visited. Thanks again, guys. [/thread]

Take ibprofen. Not tylenol..
Tylenol will not help with the swelling which is what your trying to avoid.

Tylenol is for pain, and breaking fevers.