Weight gain diet. Need advice


Blue Belt
Sep 8, 2010
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I plan on starting the stronglifts 5x5 lifting routine in a few weeks. I'm 6'1 1/2 161 lbs and I'm trying to gain weight. I've seen two example bulking diets but I don't know which I should choose & which would be less expensive. Here is the first diet:

Breakfast: 100g oats, 50g raisins, 1scoop whey
Snack: 100g mixed nuts or 1 liter milk or tuna sandwich
Lunch: 200g white pasta, bolognese sause, parmesan cheese
Snack: 100g mixed nuts or 1 liter milk or tuna sandwich
Post workout shake: 1.5scoops whey, 60g oats, milk, banana
Dinner: 200g white pasta, bolognese sause, parmesan cheese
Pre bed: cottage cheese, berries, flax seed, fish oil

This next one, everybody is familiar with, the GOMAD diet:

Breakfast: eggs, veggies, orange, green tea.
Snack: 1 liter milk, mixed nuts, banana
Lunch: chicken breast, mixed veggies, peer
Snack: 1 liter milk, mixed nuts, apple
Post workout: 1 liter milk, oats, banana
Dinner: ground round, pasta, tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese
Pre bed: 1 liter milk, berries, ground flax seeds, cottage cheese

I'm gonna choose one of these diets, however, I don't know which would be less expensive & more convenient (i.e I won't have to carry lots of food with me since the days I will be lifting on are school days) Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for any inconvenience. Btw I got both diets from the stronglifts website. Heres a link to the site GOMAD: How to Gain 25lbs in 25 Days with Squats & Milk | StrongLifts.com
If your goal is just to improve your lifts and be able to lift a lot then the diets sound good but if you train to look good then you probably will gain way to much fat on these diets.

Also do you really have to ask which one is cheaper, just calculate it with the prices from your local grocery / super market.