Weight distribution for MMA


Orange Belt
Nov 10, 2007
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Always wondered this, I know for kickboxing you have about 60% of your weight on your back leg and 40% on your front leg; in boxing most of your weight is on your front leg. For MMA though would it be better to have it 50/50? I don't know if it would be harder or not to sprawl/avoid a takedown if you have most of your weight on your back leg. I'm a perfectionist and these kind of things bug me.:D
na, is so when you throw your right hand you can shift all your weight to your front foot WHILE you spin your hips and pivot
In my boxing gym, we shadow box hopping on our back foot, then when we throw our right hand we stomp down and shift all the weight and throw
In my boxing gym, we shadow box hopping on our back foot, then when we throw our right hand we stomp down and shift all the weight and throw

You actually tricked me into trying this.

*stomps with right foot*

*Throws dim mak*
I would say that optimal weight distribution depends on the individual and his attributes, not any arbitrary numbers.
I would say that optimal weight distribution depends on the individual and his attributes, not any arbitrary numbers.


Also, styles make too much of a difference for a solid answer. Takedown specialists distribute different from an evasive striker, and so on.