weed diet


Green Belt
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
so i workout 3-4 days a week, usually monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, mostly with my bodyweight. I dont have many heavy weights at home so im concentrating mostly on getting cut. On tuesday and thursday i do 3 hours of muay thai and BJJ and im usually gassed, but every class gets better. but my question is this:

- im a pothead. i straight up love weed and really have no desire to give it up, i find that if i only smoke once a day (during the week) late at night when im done all my working, it really has little to no influence on how hard i can go. the one major problem 'i think' is that because im always blazing late at night i usually eat alot of food right before i go to bed, and most of the time its ether cereal or random stuff, mostly not the healthiest. SO is this really that bad?? should i go out of my way to make sure that the food i have lined up to eat when im high is exceptionally healthy or should i be able to get away with this??

- i usually feel like im going to shit my pants in the morning, but thats about the worst thing i notice. any ideas??
As long as you're not loading up on carbs before bed. It's actually good to have something in your stomach before you go to bed.

Me personally, I hate eating after I smoke... kills your high.

Thats why right after my workout, I'll sit down, eat dinner with a protein shake, then im already to session up after dinner and dont really get hungry after that.
I quit. It makes a difference. You don't know it until you quit for an extended period.

Weed fucks your training. I wish it were another way. Lots of guys in my gym have been smokers and will be again in the future. But when you're training for a fight, drug free is the way to go.
yeah both of you guys are probably right. i just dont find that the negative affects (that it has on my body, and that i dont notice) outweigh the positives (which are the experiences i have with weed involved) so maybe weed is hindering me but at this point im willing to push through that for the fun i have.

i wont smoke forever, but right now i feel im in the best shape of my life.. my days are filled with tons of physical activity while my nights consist of blazing the odd J or two.. is it not the best of both worlds unless im actually trainign for a fight?
have you tried stocking up on healthy foods? make a protein shake and some grilled chicken and rice prior to smoking. Then instead of eating shit food, eat the healthy stuff. Eating right before you go to bed is a good way to gain weight, if you want to go up.
I quit. It makes a difference. You don't know it until you quit for an extended period.

Weed fucks your training.

You might be right... but until you back that up with some facts, blaze on.

Here's my experience with it. I blaze more than a little bit. I usually get high and watch some UFC or PRIDE. By doing this, I developed a style inside my mind that works for me. You can ask my brother and all his friends. They don't smoke at all, my brother's tried it before and that
Just skip the del taco and buy some healthy foods but if your that worried about your health than skip blazing altogether.
fatu said:
so i workout 3-4 days a week, usually monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, mostly with my bodyweight. I dont have many heavy weights at home so im concentrating mostly on getting cut. On tuesday and thursday i do 3 hours of muay thai and BJJ and im usually gassed, but every class gets better. but my question is this:

- im a pothead. i straight up love weed and really have no desire to give it up, i find that if i only smoke once a day (during the week) late at night when im done all my working, it really has little to no influence on how hard i can go. the one major problem 'i think' is that because im always blazing late at night i usually eat alot of food right before i go to bed, and most of the time its ether cereal or random stuff, mostly not the healthiest. SO is this really that bad?? should i go out of my way to make sure that the food i have lined up to eat when im high is exceptionally healthy or should i be able to get away with this??

- i usually feel like im going to shit my pants in the morning, but thats about the worst thing i notice. any ideas??

Man, I'm kinda going through the same thing. When I started training BJJ I quit totally. ( i dropped like 12 lbs in 3 weeks!) Then, I got a tattoo, and couldnt train BJJ for a week while it healed. in that time off I started smoking again, and in 1 week got back all the weight i lost the previous 2-3. Yesterday I rolled for the 1st time back, and I probally had my best rolling day i've had there ever. Now i expected to gas out even quicker than normal, but i didnt.

So, I'm debating my options if I should quit ir not
VegasFighter said:
Man, I'm kinda going through the same thing. When I started training BJJ I quit totally. ( i dropped like 12 lbs in 3 weeks!) Then, I got a tattoo, and couldnt train BJJ for a week while it healed. in that time off I started smoking again, and in 1 week got back all the weight i lost the previous 2-3. Yesterday I rolled for the 1st time back, and I probally had my best rolling day i've had there ever. Now i expected to gas out even quicker than normal, but i didnt.

So, I'm debating my options if I should quit ir not

I hope you don't actually believe that weed is making you better. The truth is that your body was probably getting a lot more rest and had time to heal up those burned out muscles. My dad used to run 4-5 miles every day. One week circumstances prevented him from doing any running. When he finally got back out to run again, he had his best run in months. I think in both cases, time was needed to recooperate.

Anyway, if anyone here is that hard up to get high all the time, start making brownies, or buy a vaporizer.
Anyway, if anyone here is that hard up to get high all the time, start making brownies, or buy a vaporizer.

Brownies are high in fat. A vaporizer is where it's at, even though its a longer process just to get high, it's much healthier.
well, its about time for another weed thread, at least you picked a better angle tho.

im a certified pothead as well, and my advice to you is to get good food that tastes good too. try some good juices or smoothies, theyre the funk. also, some unsalted or lightly salted tortilla chips with guacamole or good salsa (read: with real assorted vegetable chunks and stuff) are great, somewhat healthy munch - just dont be fucking sloth with it.

lol at the guy who gets high and watches ufc and visualizes his fighting style, i do the same thing!!! And visualization is a really good supplementary way to learn techniques. i smoke before bjj a lot and find it definitely influences how i roll. it doesnt make me better, per say, but i train much "looser" and im much more experimental and operate on feel a lot more. weed aint too good on the cardio tho.
creepingcharlie said:
I hope you don't actually believe that weed is making you better. The truth is that your body was probably getting a lot more rest and had time to heal up those burned out muscles. My dad used to run 4-5 miles every day. One week circumstances prevented him from doing any running. When he finally got back out to run again, he had his best run in months. I think in both cases, time was needed to recooperate.

Anyway, if anyone here is that hard up to get high all the time, start making brownies, or buy a vaporizer.

I doubt it made me better, i was just shocked on where i was, compared to before. I jsut gotta quit again. DAMMIT. lol. once i go a day or 2 without it i'm fine.. its coming home to the smell of it, cause my roomie beats me home, that gets me.
yeah thanx guys, all good ideas! figured i would get flamed by non-smokers but im glad you guys had some insight.

- i quit for the month of may and i felt like i was missing out, it deffinitely opens your mind, whenever i did stuff like watch fights or play games, i dunno.. weeds not for everyone, some like it more then others, but some like it alot, and thats me. im only 20 and at this point in my life i dont see any reason why i wouldnt live it up.

- one thing i do find though is that weed is inconsistent with how it makes you feel when it comes to anything, unless your smoking the same strain at the same time everyday your high will differ slightly even if your a regular smoker, so to say that it helps you roll or it doesnt is really hard. with all the weed knowledge ive gained id say the only damage that is done is to your lungs so like someone said, a vaporizer could do some good but ill stick to the bong. or MAYBE for the die-hards you could cook it into various healthy meals and then i cant see how it could hurt you.
BangWhosNxt said:
You might be right... but until you back that up with some facts, blaze on.

Here's my experience with it. I blaze more than a little bit. I usually get high and watch some UFC or PRIDE. By doing this, I developed a style inside my mind that works for me. You can ask my brother and all his friends. They don't smoke at all, my brother's tried it before and that
i figure this, if your happy, your life is not being inhibited by smoking, and you totally feel happy, then do it.
gooth4 said:
i figure this, if your happy, your life is not being inhibited by smoking, and you totally feel happy, then do it.
You know if you shoot up before you work out wou will be stronger? If you lift more weight you will get bigger, so shoot up and have a joint before you work out.
BangWhosNxt said:
Brownies are high in fat. A vaporizer is where it's at, even though its a longer process just to get high, it's much healthier.

Yeah man, vaporizers are badass. It won't help with the munchies though.
grapling101 said:
You know if you shoot up before you work out wou will be stronger? If you lift more weight you will get bigger, so shoot up and have a joint before you work out.

Blaze on bro. I would if i could juke the random piss test at my work. The piss test spot is a one minute drive from my work. I have not smoked for 4 months and damn i can tell you it's fun to blaze. I also quit to see if i would become smarter or something after blazing for 4 years straight, no difference. I naturally laugh all day, but smoking weed opens a whole nother world of humour. I will not say who, but there is a UFC fighter who lives in my general vicinity who blazes on occasion. And I swear that is not bullshit.