Law Water Infrastucture Bill Passes Senate 89-2

Charles Marohn has an interesting theory about how infrastructure is a debt trap for a lot of these places, which eventually prevents them from maintaining their infrastructure and leading to their inevitable decline all while listing the results as assets. One of his anecdotes was about Ferguson at the time of Mike Brown's shooting, that Ferguson was spending ~$750k a year on community and recreational development while paying ~$800k in infrastructure debt interest. Which would be fine if the population continued to grow, causing the taxes to increase, but as soon as it stagnates or declines then infrastructure declines, causing more companies to either leave or not be replaced when going out of business.

Part of these bills need to consider not just new infrastructure, but the cost of maintaining critical components.
There’s a YouTube channel that talks in great depths about this. How when a new neighborhood is built its profitable for the city but the maintenance of the street and then the replacement of the surface end up being a bet drain over time. Short term gains at the expense of the long term
It’s something like bicycle America or something