Watched Spotlight last night. WTF?


Green Belt
Dec 10, 2008
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Did I misunderstand or did the cardinal get promoted when all was said and done? How the fuck can anyone even be a catholic knowing this?
Did I misunderstand or did the cardinal get promoted when all was said and done? How the fuck can anyone even be a catholic knowing this?

Its always people that are in position of power that have sick fantasies. Religions, politics, hollywood.
Also, I thought it was a really good movie. Depressing as shit, but good.
umm you know they promoted that German dude to pope to cover this shit up right?
No, I didn’t. How can this be the number one Christian religion? Are Catholics idiots?
I can't speak for everyone as I am pretty much agnostic, but I'm leaning towards this statement:

“The fact that [there are] sinful, fallen human beings who are members of the Church yet disobey God’s law does not take away from the truth of the law as proclaimed by the Church.”
It's a very solid movie. I don't know if it was the best picture of that year, but it was very good. I think what I respected about it was that even in its workmanlike approach to everything, it ended up being very resonant. It's not a particularly emotional movie- you don't get to know the characters well, many of the scenes are characters doing research and trying to uncover terrible corruption. But it packs a serious punch in terms of what it says about exploitation and manipulation.

Great scenes for me include when Keaton makes that point about how he and that other high school alumnus were maybe just fortunate that they happened to play different varsity sports than that priest had been a coach for. Also, of course, Ruffalo's scene where he loses his shit.

Obviously the fact that it's based on a true story is horrific to think about.
I can accept the fact of bad priests, but the systemic coverups is mind boggling. I just don’t understand why people don’t demand wide spread change.

I’m not religious, and I don’t follow religious issues, but geez louise.
Didn't care for the movie, but yeah, this was a huge scandal(are you just hearing about it now?), and the Church most certainly did whatever they could to cover it up. It's likely still going on to this day.
Did I misunderstand or did the cardinal get promoted when all was said and done? How the fuck can anyone even be a catholic knowing this?

Religion. Its one of those backwards ass outdated things that people just cant seem to leave in the past no matter how many priests molest kids.
Excellent movie, excellent cast.

If you liked that one, check out The Keepers.

Similar but different story (it's a docu-series.)

Also very good.

I find it interesting that few people notice another elephant in the room; Boston's systematic corruption between cops, judges and politicians ( and of course priests).
I went to the state house to see how the politicians " work" in there.
I literallly felt like I was in a banana republic ( and that is coming from a guy who came from Brazil!)
I find it interesting that few people notice another elephant in the room; Boston's systematic corruption between cops, judges and politicians ( and of course priests).
I went to the state house to see how the politicians " work" in there.
I literallly felt like I was in a banana republic ( and that is coming from a guy who came from Brazil!)
No, I didn’t. How can this be the number one Christian religion? Are Catholics idiots?

You can still be a Catholic and disagree with the structure of the church and how it operates.

The teaching of the church and the actions of the hierarchy arent the same thing.
You can still be a Catholic and disagree with the structure of the church and how it operates.

The teaching of the church and the actions of the hierarchy arent the same thing.

Exactly, the foundations and philosophies and teachings that the religion is based upon can be sound and uncorrupted, but humans are flawed.
Not really any different from the Constitution being a solid foundation for the U.S. vs. how politicians operate.
There are also several offshoots of the church that still consider themselves Catholic, but differ in certain ways, some that practice pre-Vatican II reforms.
I remember when this was in the news and Law was getting blasted. The Catholic church suffered for a little bit here with some churches having to close, but the church persevered. I think a lot of older people were just so indoctrinated that they didn't know what to do, so they stayed. I think it's ridiculous as the pope and all those cardinals knew exactly what was going on, and if they're not dead they're still working in the church. It's insane.

I think what some other posters meant about why would people still be catholic is why are they going to church and contributing money when the pope is still covering up for these creeps. It doesn't make sense and shows how much power the church must have if they can get away with this shit.