Wasted Wrestling Themes.


Gold Belt
Mar 10, 2004
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This thread is for the entrance themes you felt were way too good for the act, or even the show that they were on. Or themes that were used for a short while, and then changed.

One that always came to mind for me was Jack Gallagher's heel theme. Cool sounding theme like this, and it was put on a midcarder, in the cruiserweight division, on 205 Live.

Loved the Super Elite theme in AEW for Kenny Omega, The Good Brothers, and The Young Bucks when they were heels. Fit their slimy Bullet Club adjacent gimmick they were doing perfectly. Only got used on TV like twice.

This theme was made for Wade Barrett, never used.

They did use the chorus for 205 Live

When Tommy Dreamer returned for a couple of months for the ECW vs. Wyatt Family story, they gave him a new theme that was pretty good, but alas, it's never to be used again.


Pretty sure this may have followed Bradshaw around across various gimmicks for a few years but this is such a kickass theme and he was very low card at the time.
Probabaly a controversial one to say was "wasted", but Stone Cold Steve Austin's heel theme

Hated it at the time but I grew to really like it as the years went on. It definitely fit with the character he was trying to be
I loved the King of My World Jericho theme

Right off the bat with that I'll never see any side of heaven lyric and that similar drum beat to his usual theme, it nails his character at the time. I can just picture him smugly dancing with his undisputed championships to it.


It works well for him being a heel and then he could have switched back to his original theme for a face turn. I like having different music for heel and face runs. Supposedly, Chris hated it and thus he only used it very briefly in the fall of 02.
This thread is for the entrance themes you felt were way too good for the act, or even the show that they were on. Or themes that were used for a short while, and then changed.

One that always came to mind for me was Jack Gallagher's heel theme. Cool sounding theme like this, and it was put on a midcarder, in the cruiserweight division, on 205 Live.

lol Reminds me a little of

The One Billy Gunn theme had absolutely no business being so much fun. The saxophonist was playing his ass off

I like having different music for heel and face runs.

Me too.

Like when Jake Roberts turned heel, and they remixed his theme. It was the same song, but they slowed it down, made it sound more sinister and evil.

One of the GOAT themes in WWE history, I don't think it was even used for a whole year.

Ezekiel Jackson had a great theme. I think they had big plans for him, but kept getting hurt and just couldn't get over.
I'm also a fan of Foley's TNA theme and he had all of 22 matches there

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Sanity had a cool concept that I'm surprised hasn't been used more often, where a faction had a theme, but individual members had their own version.

Sanity theme:

Nikki Cross version:

Killian Dain version:
NXT Jobber, Danny Burch had this. Good song, but then dropped when he was put in a team with Oney Lorcan, and they got a bit of a push


Ezekiel Jackson had a great theme. I think they had big plans for him, but kept getting hurt and just couldn't get over.

Alot of the people that either got moved over or had their debut in the new version of ECW had some good themes or at least some good altered themes.

Elijah Burke, John Morrisons theme helped sell his gimmick change, Test had a more heavy theme if I remember correctly, Kevin Thorn had that Blade type club music lol, even Kurt Angle had that nice adjustment to the beginning to avoid the You Suck charts then they were selling him as the Wrestling Machine.