Was Zhang/Rose an early stoppage?


Blue Belt
Jan 1, 2015
Reaction score
I am by no means one to bow to the Just Bleed gods but in watching the replay Rose knocks her down with the kick but it looked as if Zhang was getting up rather quickly and lucidly before getting hit with the two hammerfists which it looked like she was still defending. I want to add that I haven't rewatched this morning and am only going off my reaction of watching it in the post fight replay.
I can’t believe there’s any controversy. You don’t drop like that then eat 3-4 hammerfists completely undefended and not get stopped. Not to mention she has the far off stare the entire time. Tell me what was intelligent about her defense after getting dropped? Ya’ll bloodthirsty thinking that wasn’t a good stoppage.
I am by no means one to bow to the Just Bleed gods but in watching the replay Rose knocks her down with the kick but it looked as if Zhang was getting up rather quickly and lucidly before getting hit with the two hammerfists which it looked like she was still defending. I want to add that I haven't rewatched this morning and am only going off my reaction of watching it in the post fight replay.
Did everyone not see her stumbling around for a good while? She was undoubtedly done.
Yes, if you're a fan of giving fighters every opportunity they can, and not some parent caring after their long term health. Being a champion comes with financial freedom that many fighters strive for.. So cutting it short briefly like that says a lot.
I feel like some people were watching a different fight. She was eating hammerfist to the face with her arms down, then tried to pop up and could barely keep her feet under her. This is exactly what a stoppage should look like.
Nope. Even if Keith didn't stop the fight at that moment, Weili's arm was trapped, if she gets up she would eat a knee to the face and falls down again. She was done after that kick.
She was done, back of her bounced off the canvass and her defense included not defending 3 hammerfists to her face.

In addition, she coincidentally forgot what to say during the post fight interview. Maybe it was stage fright? Or maybe it was that she was KTFO
A boxing example I can use if the ref stopped the fight after the fighter being knocked down on the floor for 5s, because they deemed them not being able to recover in time, or win the fight..

There would be a lot of controversy, ref would probably be replaced permanently as well