Was it the crucifix?


Feb 18, 2005
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Yesterday I got tapped out by my training partner, which is not so new, the interesting thing was he said he used a crucifix to do it. Now, I've never been shown a crucifix, so I don't know if it really was. Also, because my head was in his armpit, I couldn't see what he did. So, how does one set up a crucifix? (He did it from my half guard) And how do I defend it?

I tried to free my head but no luck, I ended up in his guard but that didn't relieve the preassure. Please help, thanks in advance guys.
Why didn't you ask him?

I think it''s the neck crank where the submitter has double underhooks and the submitee's head is against the back of the arm/triceps, as if you ducked under one of his arms.
Crucifix is where one arm is trapped with the legs of your opponent and he bends over your back hooking your other arm with is hand.
He then rolls over your back and Bam there is a crucifix..... You can reign elbows, or do a lapel choke from there... It looks like this.

Neck cranks and newbies. What a beautifull combination.
What you're describing sounds more like some sort of inverted full nelson.
sir nice avatar, that movie is hilarious guy throws thaty thing to cut peoples heads off.. lol
Gsoares said:
sir nice avatar, that movie is hilarious guy throws thaty thing to cut peoples heads off.. lol

Thank you
Gsoares said:
Crucifix is where one arm is trapped with the legs of your opponent and he bends over your back hooking your other arm with is hand.
He then rolls over your back and Bam there is a crucifix..... You can reign elbows, or do a lapel choke from there... It looks like this.


This isn't a cruicifix, does that picture look anything like the situation described?

Basically you set up like a guillotine with your oppenets head under your armpit, then underhook both his arms and turn him over so he is sat on his butt.

I wouldn't do it if I were you, it doesn't sound like you have the control for it yet.
TequillaSlammer said:
This isn't a cruicifix, does that picture look anything like the situation described?

Basically you set up like a guillotine with your oppenets head under your armpit, then underhook both his arms and turn him over so he is sat on his butt.

I wouldn't do it if I were you, it doesn't sound like you have the control for it yet.

Actually that is a crucifix.
ummmm....I did ask him, he didn't know. It wasn't really like the photo but more like the link that was posted. Thanks for giving me tips on my " lack of control ", stuff like that makes me wanna roll. I am not trying to find ways to injure peoples neck, I wanna understand what the guy did to me so I can shut it down next time. Knowledge of submissions is great, but it is different from the actual experience of doing a thing or escaping a thing in the actual mili-second of the fight. I prefer this real knowledge anhytime, to the remember what to do now that it's too late kinda knowledge some have.
Gsoares said:
Crucifix is where one arm is trapped with the legs of your opponent and he bends over your back hooking your other arm with is hand.
He then rolls over your back and Bam there is a crucifix..... You can reign elbows, or do a lapel choke from there... It looks like this.


This is a crucifix.
You mean a wrestling crucifix neck crank. It's where you trap their head under your armpit, get underhooks and then grip your hands together so they meet just over his spine. Then lean back.

You can get this from sprawling, switch to it from a guillotine, all sorts. The confusion comes from BJJ terms and wrestling terms sharing the same name.
Gsoares said:
Crucifix is where one arm is trapped with the legs of your opponent and he bends over your back hooking your other arm with is hand.
He then rolls over your back and Bam there is a crucifix..... You can reign elbows, or do a lapel choke from there... It looks like this.


A la Gary Goodridge early UFC.

Those were 8 huge elbows. I'm surprised the guy lived.
yeah no joke, Garry then did the face plant into the edge of the octagon... i almost fell on the floor laughing when that happend.
Superbeast, I think you hit the nail on the head. This was exactly what it felt like he was doing. Any ideas on how to counter it?
I saw a guy flip out of it once, he inside trip the guy applying it, followed him down and rolled forward out of the hold and then turned over into n/s position. I personally thought that was a little risky since if he falls to fast he'll do serious damage. Another way is to just try straighten your arms and clap your hands together, sometimes the strength off the movement will be enough pull their hands apart from behind your back. Obviously the best way is to not get caught at all and as you feel him going for underhooks, again clap your hands together and then you can try get round to take the back, go for another takedown /slam, spin under one of the arms and Russian armdrag him down, whatever. It's also worth trying to look to the ceiling to resist the hold and buy time but if the guy is strong enough, has a good enough grip leans back quickly you're better off tapping.
Gsoares said:
yeah no joke, Garry then did the face plant into the edge of the octagon... i almost fell on the floor laughing when that happend.

lol, that shit was hillarious! did he mean to hit his face against the octagon like that?!?
i dont think so, but hey you got to play it off after you just beat some guys ass in the U F C
If you check out Gary's Fight Finder bio when it comes back up, there is a video of him tapping someone with a Crucifix, the type that the top poster is talking about, not the elbows