WAR ROOM LOUNGE V14: Moor of the Saim

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There is no writing or any preference given to you by 'White nationalists' which you definitely advocate for.
I reject your premise. I do not "advocate" for any "white nationalists".
You already admitted to reading white nationalist forums, then said you were trolling
I do sometimes read the writings of white nationalists. I also read the writings of black nationalists and other radicals. It's hilarious to me that you equate reading with support. Do you think I support both the black nationalists and the white nationalists? That would be contradictory.
Anyone ever watch Million Studio on youtube. Once I watch one, it's hard not to watch five. Way to fucking talented.

I reject your premise. I do not "advocate" for any "white nationalists".

I do sometimes read the writings of white nationalists. I also read the writings of black nationalists and other radicals. It's hilarious to me that you equate reading with support. Do you think I support both the black nationalists and the white nationalists? That would be contradictory.

You're an idiot. We all know where you stand, in regards to women and race etc. Carry on though.
It's not obvious at all.

Sure it is. I've clearly contrasted it with civic nationalism.

Non-sequitur. One can believe in incorrect policy prescriptions without supporting them "in bad faith". Again, I think it's unfortunate that you assume motivations so often. This approach dehumanizes people and is counter to the liberalism/humanism you claim to stand for.

Yes, it's possible to hold any position and support it in good faith, though I don't believe that's what's happening here and with American restrictionists generally. You've discussed "cultural compatibility," and I believe that's an argument you make in good faith. I don't believe that assertions that immigrants bring crime or economic harm are made in good faith because the evidence simply doesn't support them, and I think that you at least know that.

Have you noticed that in the course of our (non-flippant) dialogues, I never try to label you? I respect you as an individual, not as a member of an ideological group.

I respect you as an individual, too, bro, but when you're making arguments I've heard before (that you know aren't original--and there's nothing wrong with that), labels are appropriate to help communication.

I thought I already answered this. Taylor and I seem to disagree on Taylor's #1 policy prescription. It appears he would like to end all immigration of non-white individuals on a permanent basis. I oppose that policy.

OK, this is not concrete enough for me.
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