So if Perry loses, you’ll have to admit he’s at the bottom of the totem pole.

If he wins, all he did was beat a can that he was supposed to beat.

Well at least we all agree Michael deserves respect for taking a fight that has some risk & zero reward.
Man you got some bitterness in you, it aint doing you no good. Good luck with that
I just have a bet going & I don’t worship cans like the plat nation fan boys
Well it's depressing seeing how upset one guy can get over someone liking another fighter. It's a sign of misery
Well it's depressing seeing how upset one guy can get over someone liking another fighter. It's a sign of misery
Depressing? Lol don’t be such a drama queen. I just like to get plat nation all riled up. You guys pretend like Michael is a god when he’s not even ranked in the top 15.
You've got balls, son. But daddy is drunk and thinks you need a lesson.
I don’t think I’ll learn my lesson. Kinda like how you didn’t learn from your bet with hulk. Tbh I could use some time away from sherdog anyway. I might actually get some work done lol
Depressing? Lol don’t be such a drama queen. I just like to get plat nation all riled up. You guys pretend like Michael is a god when he’s not even ranked in the top 15.
It doesn't matter how you try to justify it. You are acting like a woman scorned my dude.