WaPo cartoon depicts Ted Cruz's kids as monkeys

The cartoon was in response to Cruz using his children in a skit that went after Hilary Clinton. The one girl had a line about the use of secure servers for emails. The cartoon simply pointed out that he was using his children as props to further his political career. The outrage is silly.
And your complaint is what, then?

My complaint is that the unwritten rule is that you don't mention anyone's family. She was brought up with the intent to show how cruel Cheney was to be against ss-marriage when his daughter was gay.
Ted Cruz has put his children in a political ad- don't start screaming when editorial cartoonists draw them as well. http://wapo.st/1U0FF7M

She set out from the start with the intent to depict the kids.
She tweeted a preemptive excuse before the cartoon released hat said "Cruz used his daughters as props, don't complain when they are portrayed like it".

I'm not even a cruz fan, but this bitch crossed the line adults don't normally cross and she did it intentionally.
This is completely in agreement with what I posted. The negativity was aimed at Cruz parading his daughters out on the campaign trail.

Again, really shitty to include specific kids in a political cartoon, but the negativity was not aimed at them. This was my point that your post supported.
This is completely in agreement with what I posted. The negativity was aimed at Cruz parading his daughters out on the campaign trail.

Again, really shitty to include specific kids in a political cartoon, but the negativity was not aimed at them. This was my point that your post supported.

you highlighted the wrong part:
don't complain when they are portrayed like it".

Her intent was to depict the kids

Like I said, I'm not a fan of Cruz, but I find that to be of very low taste.
The cartoon was in response to Cruz using his children in a skit that went after Hilary Clinton. The one girl had a line about the use of secure servers for emails. The cartoon simply pointed out that he was using his children as props to further his political career. The outrage is silly.

Oh so its Clinton's newspaper?
I agree that kids are out of bounds.

As for the monkey's, if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander. Personally I think all politicians should have a mandatory monkey-like caricature created upon election. Like an initiation to the club or something.


My complaint is that the unwritten rule is that you don't mention anyone's family. She was brought up with the intent to show how cruel Cheney was to be against ss-marriage when his daughter was gay.

This may be the source of the problem.

The rule is not "don't mention family".
You don't have to pretend certain people don't exist.

The rules have to do with when it is and isn't fair game to bring someone into the political arena, who isn't there voluntarily, to attack or negatively depict or otherwise harm them.
Mary was not attacked or negatively depicted, making all of this irrelevant in her case.
The Washington Post, now America's largest newspaper, published a cartoon Tuesday afternoon by Ann Telnaes portraying the young daughters of GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz as monkeys being walked or controlled by Santa Claus.

Then claim it's justified:


While I think this is deplorable; I don't find it odds with typical leftist behavior. While they talk about acceptance and tolerance - they become quite brutal with those of opposing views and literally attack any and everything that the opposition will hold as out of bounds.
Not sure why you say "Then claim it's justified". From your article:

Editor’s note from Fred Hiatt: It’s generally been the policy of our editorial section to leave children out of it. I failed to look at this cartoon before it was published. I understand why Ann thought an exception to the policy was warranted in this case, but I do not agree.

An organ grinder exploits his monkeys for his own ends. The cartoon seems to be saying that is what Cruz did w/ his daughters, I don't see it as a criticism of his daughters.
Shitty thing to do but I'm sure no one from the right has ever done anything like this.
Not sure why you say "Then claim it's justified". From your article:

Editor’s note from Fred Hiatt: It’s generally been the policy of our editorial section to leave children out of it. I failed to look at this cartoon before it was published. I understand why Ann thought an exception to the policy was warranted in this case, but I do not agree.

An organ grinder exploits his monkeys for his own ends. The cartoon seems to be saying that is what Cruz did w/ his daughters, I don't see it as a criticism of his daughters.

The cartoonist tried to justify it. She sent the tweet out before hand that she was editorial cartoonist would depict the kids.

It's low class and she specifically implied her intent before hand.
I mean, it's an organ grinder metaphor for parading kids out in front, for crying out loud.

Not a monkey-race parallel, and not a kids-attacking parallel, it obviously targets Cruz and suggests he exploits his keedz
I mean, it's an organ grinder metaphor for parading kids out in front, for crying out loud.

Not a monkey-race parallel, and not a kids-attacking parallel, it obviously targets Cruz and suggests he exploits his keedz

Right, but while there is no real room for outrage, rules of engagement say just leave kids out of it entirely when it comes to criticism.
Right, but while there is no real room for outrage, rules of engagement say just leave kids out of it entirely when it comes to criticism.

I agree I'm just saying I can see why the cartoon was composed and the intent doesn't seem to be there.
Right, but while there is no real room for outrage, rules of engagement say just leave kids out of it entirely when it comes to criticism.

Here's the problem. Cruz literally made an ad where he used his own daughter to criticize Hillary Clinton when she is obviously to young to really know what she is talking about. If you are going to get angry at this cartoon, then you should be just as angry at Cruz for using his daughter to attack a political opponent.
Here's the problem. Cruz literally made an ad where he used his own daughter to criticize Hillary Clinton when she is obviously to young to really know what she is talking about. If you are going to get angry at this cartoon, then you should be just as angry at Cruz for using his daughter to attack a political opponent.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

And as you can see with how this story went, you're only hurting your cause
I applaud the cartoonist for being politically incorrect. Clearly, her detractors hate America and will destroy our great land with their limp-wristed sensitivity.