Economy Walmart abruptly closes store this weekend due to poor performance - locals cry food desert

Walmart in the hood is goated.

I'd love to see 30 hood rats wrestling in a Walmart. You just know a titty or 2 is going to pop out.
Wonder how many of these crying locals are using welfare to avoid the food desert? How long have these welfare recipients received their free hand outs? How about you contribute to your well-being instead of blaming others when they don't take care of you enough! Makes me sick...
Why does it make you sick, seeing that you are an internet troll living outside of the US?
how is this an "angry" statement?

what is your position on this? are you arguing that this move is more due to bad location, people ordering stuff online, grocery shopping elsewhere...

or do you believe "shrinkage" and massive theft is more the cause of "poor performance"?
I think people have it all wrong. The "poor" in "poor performance" is in regards to the people who come to the store.
Why does it make you sick, seeing that you are an internet troll living outside of the US?
because people who refuse to accept responsibility for themselves have little room to critique those who take care of them, for one.... Where do you suppose I live?
Instead of forcing disadvantaged customers to steal directly from the store, why can't racist Wal Mart just drop the groceries at their door for free?
The local Valley Stream Walmart here on Long Island on black friday in 2008 had shoppers waiting outside who got fed up that the store wasn't open yet and they all proceeded to smash and break through the sliding glass door. Then they all rushed inside and one employee, 34 year old Jdimytai Damour fell to the floor and was trampled and even as police were attending to him throngs of shoppers continued to rush in and he ended up dying on the scene.

Also, one of my buddies his local grocery store ended up closing down as did two others after Walmart moved in and undercut both of them with their pricing. This is the type of shit that I despise Walmart doing




Not sure how many Mom & Pop business are moving into East St. Louis.
I'm sure parts of the Ukraine look better right now.
Jesus, listen to some of you. Hatred to the fullest.

First post had me curious until the last two sentences with assumptions and sterotypical blame along with the follow up of broken record responses.

Yup, the first knee-jerk reaction is stereotypes instead of "Worshipping at the altar of Mammon".

I know St Louis has one of those Soros back DAs that doesn't prosecute much crime. I'm guessing more stores will be closing shop due to increased crime and shop lifting in an area. Feeling kind of bad for the people that live in a food desert. Most are law abiding. It is just a few that cause most of the problems I've read.
I’m sure Walmart thought that by opening in a “food desert” they’d do more business. They have the right to close down if they’re losing profit not only to theft, but also fresh food spoiling. Business do not have to keep locations open if the profits are not what they expect.

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