Vitor didnt look right.....


Brown Belt
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
Something didnt look right
Dissapointed....he didn't even throw a punch standing I don't think? His best chance was a blitz before he gets taken down
Its called being off the vitamins
Nobody would look right getting mounted and punched by Jacare.
He's off the TRT and he crumbles when he faces any kind of adversity. How does this still surprise people?
nothing but missed flying knee attempts
Something about USADA...
Don't know what you're getting at exactly. I thought he looked just like that against Chris and Jones. Dude pulls guard at the weirdest times and when he is getting pounded on he does nothing to improve his position, he just tries to punch people off his back as they beat him down.
WTF get over it
He got destroyed and Sherdoggers tought he had a chance hahahahahaha
Where are you at TRTitor fans
The guys usually explodes in the 1st round, he didnt throw a single punch
lol, he looked like the new Vitor.

expected result in this fight