Vitamin E -- WARNING!


Purple Belt
May 27, 2004
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i learned recently that there are 2 kinds of vitamin E being sold.. d1-alpha tocopherol and d-alpha-tocopherol... the difference between the 2 is that d1 is synthetic.. which is the same stuff as motor oil..

i dunno how healthy it is putting motor oil into ur body.. but this doesn't sound too good... the costco brand is d1 and a lotta other brands too... d1-alpha is cheaper that natural d-alpha unfortunately.. so i guess they put it on the shelves to cash in on unknowing ppl..

just givin yall a heads up :wink:
motor oil may not be good for you....but it certainly is delicious.

when you buy vitamins u should look for magnesium oxide. if this is the only magnesium listed the vitamin is shitty. mag. oxide can't be used by your body, and the company throws it in just so it can put it on the label.
so are you saying vitamin E is in synthetic motor oil ? no wonder my super syn mobile 1 works so good.

just buy the cheap syn stuff and if there is a certain amount of vitamin E you are trying to intake double up with the d1 you'll be good to go.
luckystars said:
so are you saying vitamin E is in synthetic motor oil ? no wonder my super syn mobile 1 works so good.

just buy the cheap syn stuff and if there is a certain amount of vitamin E you are trying to intake double up with the d1 you'll be good to go.

actually.. what i was tryin to say is that ur body can't process motor oil.. so basically it's unusable and a waste of money :wink:
d1 is all known as an all rac-alpha-tocopherol of vitamin e which means it has forms in it that your body doesnt even use, yes but also has some of the stuff your body finds a use for.

All rac-alpha-tocopherol consists of four 2R-stereoisomers: RRR-alpha-tocopherol, RSR-alpha-tocopherol, RRS-alpha-tocopherol and RSS-alpha-tocopherol and four 2S-stereoisomers: SRR-alpha-tocopherol, SSR-alpha-tocopherol, SRS-alpha-tocopherol and SSS-alpha-tocopherol.

Of the eight naturally occurring forms of vitamin E, only alpha-tocopherol is maintained in human plasma.

The only forms of alpha-tocopherol that are maintained in human plasma are the 2R-stereoisomers. The 2S-stereoisomers of alpha-tocopherol are not maintained in human plasma or tissue. Therefore, the only forms of alpha-tocopherol maintained in human plasma are the natural RRR-alpha-tocopherol and the four 2R synthetic stereoisomers.

the d1 has equal parts of all so sense your body supposedly doesnt use the others, just double your dosage of the syn and you will get the equal amount of natural vitamine e
Hmm I wonder if there is some kind of regulation about this kind of thing in Australia. I will have to check my Vitamin E more carefully in future.

Thanks for the heads up Supersudo.
luckystars said:
d1 is all known as an all rac-alpha-tocopherol of vitamin e which means it has forms in it that your body doesnt even use, yes but also has some of the stuff your body finds a use for.

All rac-alpha-tocopherol consists of four 2R-stereoisomers: RRR-alpha-tocopherol, RSR-alpha-tocopherol, RRS-alpha-tocopherol and RSS-alpha-tocopherol and four 2S-stereoisomers: SRR-alpha-tocopherol, SSR-alpha-tocopherol, SRS-alpha-tocopherol and SSS-alpha-tocopherol.

Of the eight naturally occurring forms of vitamin E, only alpha-tocopherol is maintained in human plasma.

The only forms of alpha-tocopherol that are maintained in human plasma are the 2R-stereoisomers. The 2S-stereoisomers of alpha-tocopherol are not maintained in human plasma or tissue. Therefore, the only forms of alpha-tocopherol maintained in human plasma are the natural RRR-alpha-tocopherol and the four 2R synthetic stereoisomers.

the d1 has equal parts of all so sense your body supposedly doesnt use the others, just double your dosage of the syn and you will get the equal amount of natural vitamine e

hmm.. i dunno wut the hell all that was.. but it sounds like u know wut ur talking about.. lol.. i'll read it over later.. :wink:

anyway.. i saw some brands have d1 for example $7.. and natural for like $10 or $11.. so really getting natural is probably cheaper, better and more easily absorbed.. right?
doh hmmm lookin at my vit E. shows Dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate. so guess thats the one your talkin about its a L not a 1 on mine... dunno
d1=dl.. same thing.. some fonts have 1's and l's look the same.. :wink:

maybe a way to deter unknowing ppl :D
I heard Vitaman E is bad for your health, according to a recent study on the news(sorry no link) but yeah they found that causes the anti oxidents or something in the heart to go off balance increasing your risk of heart attack....

anyone else hear about this?????
Judo-kid said:
I heard Vitaman E is bad for your health, according to a recent study on the news(sorry no link) but yeah they found that causes the anti oxidents or something in the heart to go off balance increasing your risk of heart attack....

anyone else hear about this?????

wtf? that's probably from a vitamin e deficiency.. or overdose.. u can only overdose on vit a d e and k.. adek... but it's almost impossible overdosing in E..
supersudo said:
wtf? that's probably from a vitamin e deficiency.. or overdose.. u can only overdose on vit a d e and k.. adek... but it's almost impossible overdosing in E..

No NO according to the news, They found that Vitamin E in general will mess with the antioxidents(wish i had link) a small amount is good for you but the amount people take in Multi vitamans can potenially be harmful instead of helpful to the heart*

sorry again about the link
There was a 10-year study done with 40,000 women over 45 that were taking 600 IU's of vitamin E every other day. The study showed that there was no evidence that the vitamin E group had lower incidences of coronary disease or strokes. There was also another study published in JAMA, that said that there was a small increase in mortality associated with taking 400 IU's of vit. E per day. There have been other studies that have shown positive benifits of taking vit. E so it depends on what study you want to believe. Personally, I take 400 IU's every other day.
i did some research and i read that vitamin E does raise blood pressure levels.. however, a deficiency in it is also a precursor for heart disease... so i guess the best advice is "moderation" :wink: