Video: Woman gets attacked by a legit APBT Dog she rescued

If there were any children in that home, they would probably be dead...
I like pitbulls but admit its the only dog that I ask the owner if its ok to give it a scratch. Most of the ones Ive met have been fat, old and lazy sweethearts though. I wont touch dobermans with a ten foot pole, nasty breed that one. Sorry to anyone that calls that brees family, I just dont like them. Mastiffs probably make me the most wary of any breed though. Those fuckers are ridiculously powerful.
Doesn't look like an American Bulldog

Looks like a real deal APBT like this without the cropped ears

An adult American bulldog..


It looks exactly like an American bulldog you retard. You're using a photo of the most pronounced features possible because you're either a troll or a complete idiot.
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Dogs in the United States kill more Americans each year than all of Australia’s animals combined take out over here, yet we have a reputation for dangerous animals. The dangerous animals are the Pit pet’s.

Australia is kinda weird in that way, you have some dangerous animals and big ass spiders, but also a bunch of animals that dont have any defense against simple house cats, so much they are extinguishing a bunch of native species.
An adult American bulldog..


It looks exactly like an American bulldog you retard. You're using a photo of the most pronounced features possible because you're either a troll or a complete idiot.
And you are showing a side view and I can still see the mouth is different and side view than the dog in the video you just dont want a APBT to be the one. Stop being in Denial man. You apologists are too much

Its clear that is an APBT, but they just said bulldog.
Time stamped pause it at 26 seconds that doesn't look like no freaking American bulldog just stop thats a true bred APBT not a mutt or american bully a realy deal APBT
And you are showing a side view and I can still see the mouth is different and side view than the dog in the video you just dont want a APBT to be the one. Stop being in Denial man. You apologists are too much

Its clear that is an APBT, but they just said bulldog.
Time stamped pause it at 26 seconds that doesn't look like no freaking American bulldog just stop thats a true bred APBT not a mutt or american bully a realy deal APBT

The link I posted shows several different photos you retard. The muzzle of the an American bulldog isn't the same for all of them. There's a wide range of variety. It's clear you fail on the most basic levels of intelligence.

You're referring to the Johnson-type American bulldog, which more closely resembles the regular Bulldog. There's also the Scott-type American Bulldog, which is exactly what you're seeing. It has a more slender muzzle and less overbite. If you weren't a complete asshat retard you would know enough to know the difference already, but once again troll retards like you speaking out who barely understand dog breeds.



If you pause your life at any point you'll clearly see that you're autistic.
The nonstop pics and comparisons of breeds always gets a chuckle from me. It is missing the point.

It's less about the specific breed, and more about the monster breeds with short fuses and the physical ability to actually hurt, maim, or kill a fully grown human. The fact that most are pits or pit mixes just makes an easy target.

Do chihuahuas have a higher likelihood of biting you? Maybe, maybe not.

But I DO know that if a chihuahua attacks me, I can punt that little fucker and go about my day. If a pit attacks me, I am in an immediate fight for my life.
The link I posted shows several different photos you retard. The muzzle of the an American bulldog isn't the same for all of them. There's a wide range of variety. It's clear you fail on the most basic levels of intelligence.

You're referring to the Johnson-type American bulldog, which more closely resembles the regular Bulldog. There's also the Scott-type American Bulldog, which is exactly what you're seeing. It has a more slender muzzle and less overbite. If you weren't a complete asshat retard you would know enough to know the difference already, but once again troll retards like you speaking out who barely understand dog breeds.



If you pause your life at any point you'll clearly see that you're autistic.
Man you are really reaching trying to find an AMerican bulldog who looks like an APBT

Just accept it that dog looks nothing like an American bulldog, that woman who was attacked is probably an APBT apologist and told the news report and animal control it was a Bulldog. She never said American bulldog just bulldog.
Man you are really reaching trying to find an AMerican bulldog who looks like an APBT

Just accept it that dog looks nothing like an American bulldog, that woman who was attacked is probably an APBT apologist and told the news report and animal control it was a Bulldog. She never said American bulldog just bulldog.

Yeah I'm really reaching with my thirty second Google search for American Bulldog and selecting the first few photos that you ignored. I'm really reaching with this obvious and common knowledge about American Bulldogs. I didn't make up the idea of Johnson Bulldogs and Scott American. It's a well established breed trait that you're just too ignorant to know about.

I'm really reaching with my obvious facts and you're really reaching with your troll idiocy. You guys try so hard to hate on Pitbulls and you don't even know the basics about dog breeds. You're seriously autistic. If you can't admit to being wrong then you're just a common troll.
I clicked 2019 deaths and the list had german shepherds, rotweillers, boxers, huskies, as well as pit bulls.

People just know of the pitbulls reputation because they are used for more clickbait headlines. There’s also way more of them than other breeds as well, which skews these numbers quite a bit.

That is absolutely not true lol, where did you get that idea?

Yeah I'm really reaching with my thirty second Google search for American Bulldog and selecting the first few photos that you ignored. I'm really reaching with this obvious and common knowledge about American Bulldogs. I didn't make up the idea of Johnson Bulldogs and Scott American. It's a well established breed trait that you're just too ignorant to know about.

I'm really reaching with my obvious facts and you're really reaching with your troll idiocy. You guys try so hard to hate on Pitbulls and you don't even know the basics about dog breeds. You're seriously autistic. If you can't admit to being wrong then you're just a common troll.
Its an APBT end of story
That is absolutely not true lol, where did you get that idea?

There’s not a census for dogs. I got it from life experience. Also the asterisk in the photo sums up how meaningless of a diagram it really is. The whole site is anti-pit bull, which is fine. But their temperament is actually near the top of all dogs. It is what it is I guess.
Fuck this stupid woman...the dog KILLED her cat and she still kept it? Fuck her and she deserves every single bite wound / scar she got for allowing a piece of shit dog to maul her other pets.
That is absolutely not true lol, where did you get that idea?


Population statistics show that pitbulls, including mutts that are labeled pitbulls in incidents due to physical characteristics, are by far the most common dog breed in the United States. The AKC lists the Labrador retriever as the most popular dog breed (because they don't recognize the APBT), and claim it only represents 1% of the dog population. Pitbull statistics range from 15 to 30% including mutts. When you account for this overwhelming majority they aren't any more likely than any other large powerful breed to attack and kill humans. This is clearly evident by looking at statistics from the early 90s when the Rottweiler was the most popular dog in America and accounted for the most deaths. All these breeds are dangerous. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Shepherds, Akitas, mastiffs are all equally dangerous breeds.

Its an APBT end of story

You are autistic. End of story.

It's funny how you can't argue the facts so you resort to childish troll responses.
The fact that she kept it after it killed her cat and attacked her smaller dog means this event likely turned her on and was the reason she wanted the dog in the first place. Yes, people can be that weird and stupid.