Opinion Very weird article about Obama


Silver Belt
May 22, 2010
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Here is the article and some excerpts from it:
“If you are really confident about your financial situation,” Mr. Obama told the crowd, “you are probably not going to be wearing a eight-pound chain around your neck.”

“Because you know,” he continued, “‘Oh, I got a bank account.’ I don’t have to show you how much I got. I feel good.”
Seems like good advice by Obama, but the writer disagrees.
His comments disappointed me because they’re part of problematic practices, like calling out black children for having ghetto names like mine or wearing Air Jordans. Such remarks by Mr. Obama reflect his administration's failure...

The economist William Darity painted a stark picture in a 2016 article in The Atlantic:

Blacks working full time have lower levels of wealth than whites who are unemployed. Blacks in the third quintile of the income distribution have less wealth (or a lower net worth) than whites in the lowest quintile. Even more damning for any presumption that America is free of racism is our finding that black households whose heads have college degrees have $10,000 less in net worth than white households whose heads never finished high school.
Huge leap of logic here. Blacks are poorer, hence racism is endemic. Even if both things are true, that blacks are poor and racism is very prevalent one doesn't prove the other.

To put it another way: Programs like My Brother’s Keeper insist on making better versions of Trayvon Martin, the black victim, instead of asking how to stop creating people like George Zimmerman, the racist vigilante.
Doesn't make sense. You can do both things, George Zimmerman might have gone too far and Martin didn't deserve to be killed but Trayvon Martin was not an upstanding citizen and if he was following Obama's path he would probably be alive right now. It goes down to the victim blaming discussion. Yes, rapists are the bad guys but it's very stupid for a girl to walk around alone 3am in a dangerous area and I find it to be valid to teach girls how to avoid dangerous situations.

What kind of men do these boys risk becoming, Mr. Obama asked? “If you are very confident about your sexuality, you don’t have to have eight women around you twerking,” Mr. Obama said. “Why are you all like, I mean, you seem stressed acting that way. Because I got one woman who I’m very happy with. And she is a strong woman.”
Seems like good advice.
Mr. Obama’s comments reinforced toxic masculinity and they didn’t really give us an alternative.
What??? I can't even...
But it’s clear Mr. Obama’s chains still bind him, even after leaving the Oval Office, from seeing the beautiful and complex range of black culture and the ways we choose to survive.
Basically called Obama an Uncle Tom. LOL

I will tag some guys who I think are black, but everybody is free to comment.
@Trotsky (100% sure he is black) @Jack V Savage (I remember reading he is partly black? I could be wrong) @Kafir-kun (of the sand variety, I guess) tag the others.

All in all I thought Obama was giving a great lecture and Ms. Derecka Purnell is completely out of her mind.
Here is the article and some excerpts from it:

Seems like good advice by Obama, but the writer disagrees.


Huge leap of logic here. Blacks are poorer, hence racism is endemic. Even if both things are true, that blacks are poor and racism is very prevalent one doesn't prove the other.

Doesn't make sense. You can do both things, George Zimmerman might have gone too far and Martin didn't deserve to be killed but Trayvon Martin was not an upstanding citizen and if he was following Obama's path he would probably be alive right now. It goes down to the victim blaming discussion. Yes, rapists are the bad guys but it's very stupid for a girl to walk around alone 3am in a dangerous area and I find it to be valid to teach girls how to avoid dangerous situations.

Seems like good advice.

What??? I can't even...

Basically called Obama an Uncle Tom. LOL

I will tag some guys who I think are black, but everybody is free to comment.
@Trotsky (100% sure he is black) @Jack V Savage (I remember reading he is partly black? I could be wrong) @Kafir-kun (of the sand variety, I guess) tag the others.

All in all I thought Obama was giving a great lecture and Ms. Derecka Purnell is completely out of her mind.

I'm not partly black.
Here is the article and some excerpts from it:

Seems like good advice by Obama, but the writer disagrees.


Huge leap of logic here. Blacks are poorer, hence racism is endemic. Even if both things are true, that blacks are poor and racism is very prevalent one doesn't prove the other.

Doesn't make sense. You can do both things, George Zimmerman might have gone too far and Martin didn't deserve to be killed but Trayvon Martin was not an upstanding citizen and if he was following Obama's path he would probably be alive right now. It goes down to the victim blaming discussion. Yes, rapists are the bad guys but it's very stupid for a girl to walk around alone 3am in a dangerous area and I find it to be valid to teach girls how to avoid dangerous situations.

Seems like good advice.

What??? I can't even...

Basically called Obama an Uncle Tom. LOL

I will tag some guys who I think are black, but everybody is free to comment.
@Trotsky (100% sure he is black) @Jack V Savage (I remember reading he is partly black? I could be wrong) @Kafir-kun (of the sand variety, I guess) tag the others.

All in all I thought Obama was giving a great lecture and Ms. Derecka Purnell is completely out of her mind.

Wow, the balls you have to have to celebrate black culture, in a conversation amongst black people.

I get it, I'm white, I don't get to tell black people their culture is shit and self destructive, and that anyone who yells Worldstar should be ashamed of themselves, and embarrassed by their culture.;)(oops, guess I did)

But I will be damned if I sit silently by, and allow this idiot writer to celebrate a culture that is absolutely garbage, and throw shade against Obama's rightful criticisms.

Black folk need to hear some truth. Racism is wrong, but it isn't what is destroying the black community, you are. WORLDSTAR!!!!
Wow, the balls you have to have to celebrate black culture, in a coversation amongst black people.

I get it, I'm white, I don't get to tell black people their culture is shit and self destructive, and that anyone who yells Worldstar should be ashamed of themselves, and embarrassed by their culture.;)(oops, guess I did)

But I will be damned if I sit silently by, and allow this idiot writer to celebrate a culture that is absolutely garbage, and throw shade against Obama's rightful criticisms.

Black folk need to hear some truth. Racism is wrong, but it isn't what is destroying the black community, you are. WORLDSTAR!!!!
It's also rich how she gets so angry when Obama is criticizing the bad parts of black american culture. If he was criticizing Jazz, sure, diss him. But it's like a white person criticizing another white person who believes whites should stop doing opioids, because ODing on Tramadol is part of white culture too.
It's also rich how she gets so angry when Obama is criticizing the bad parts of black american culture. If he was criticizing Jazz, sure, diss him. But it's like a white person criticizing another white person who believes whites should stop doing opioids, because ODing on Tramadol is part of white culture too.

Thank you for that. I was reading my post, and something about it was bothering me. I knew there was something wrong with it, but was struggling to identify what it was.

If you are going to criticize black culture, you must clearly differentiate between what is toxic, and what is good. Which Obama was clearly identifying what was toxic, where my post was more broad brushed.

Obviously all of black culture is not garbage, and my language was not accurate. Precise language is key.
i think @Ripskater is black

Well my Aunt Bea said that when she watched me play basketball, the way I could play, that I got those genes from my papaw. And when she watched me play, she said she didn't get those genes and she thought this was the bad deal that she had gotten in life.

Article writer used the word "Problematic" so its biased. Its a term used by those that took gender studies and so is an SJW moron.
My Brother's Keeper really encapsulates Obama's views on race and class. Barry doesn't believe there is any need for a serious structural critique of market capitalism or that there is anything wrong with massive wealth and income inequality.

He simply believes there should be mechanisms in place to make sure that the exceptionally high performing poor receive a helping hand out of the ghetto. But the ghetto and the vast majority of its inhabitants will and must remain. So everyone can see who the "winners" and "losers" are. To the average joe Obama can only say, "Sorry for ya, brother. You didn't make the Ivy League cut."
You're joking but I actually am a very small part Chinese.

Trotsky has referenced himself as a "Chicano" his words not mine and @Jack V Savage is Vietnamese.