Very Cool Wristlock

It's really funny my instructor showed this exact technique in the children's class. I along with the upper level students were helping instruct the class, and none of us had ever seen it before. It is a great technique, you just don't think of it.
It's really funny my instructor showed this exact technique in the children's class. I along with the upper level students were helping instruct the class, and none of us had ever seen it before. It is a great technique, you just don't think of it.

holy shit.... I personally don't think I'd show the kids this. Hopefully it was just for self-defense. Not only are wristlocks illegal for kids, but the ones like this are also extremely dangerous for little developing wrists. shit, I don't even like drilling this with blue belts...
Cool!!! Thanks for the link! I can't wait to that move in class!!
Well it depends on which way the guys wrist collapses, most peoples wrist bends backwards, mine for some reason always bends forwards when this wrist lock is applied.

I have had both of my wrists stuffed up from this wrist lock, we had one guy in class wrecking everyone with it until the instructor banned him from it... He applied it so quickly that crying out in pain was quicker than tapping.

One of the first moves I learned. It's a bitch.