Veganism is awesome. Admit it.

What is harder?

  • To be a sausage-lover and go vegetarian.

  • To be a vegetarian and go vegan.

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Going vegetarian / vegan was hard because of all the things i believed about meat being necessary.

Vegan is harder than vegetarian because eggs and milk find their way into just about every processed / pre-prepared food.
Vegetarian's body be like "No pls no, don't take away eggs and cheese! The idiot in charge of the brain command center has already taken away all the other foods!"
trigger warning

no sound required

Damn little dude got his face ripped off while still alive. But my main concern is that my crustacean allergy would fuck me up if I tried that.

Who is this meant to be triggering? This is nothing compared to the real horrors of what goes on in the meat industry.

This is kind of messed up to look at. But to be fair, how do you think they kill the frozen shrimp you buy at the supermarket? My guess is it's the same thing or something equally horrific from the shrimp's perspective.

Can you see the fear in this animals eyes? Honest question.

That question means nothing if it's regarding a cow or a pig.

Ask the same about a dog stuffed in a tiny crate on it's way to be someone's meal, though.
aĺso is one of the best websites arund even if you eat meat. You may as well learn which vegetables will make you as healthy as possible and why.
Srsly? I thought it was the other way around.

When I stopped eating meat I was dreaming of sausages in all colors, shapes, and girths you can imagine. Now it's getting better.

But I could never take my hands off eggs.
This is kind of messed up to look at. But to be fair, how do you think they kill the frozen shrimp you buy at the supermarket? My guess is it's the same thing or something equally horrific from the shrimp's perspective.

You bring up a good point.

That question means nothing if it's regarding a cow or a pig.

Ask the same about a dog stuffed in a tiny crate on it's way to be someone's meal, though.


Not when it's a burger or steak.


Just out of curiosity to the vegans and veggies out there

What do you think about eating insects? I've seen insects touted as a very efficient form of food, and they are just insects so the concerns about animal treatment would be pretty much nill.
I'm moving towards hunting to do my part to avoid factory farming but stopping eating meat is terrible and I've seen so many people waste away to nothing doing it. The health problems I've seen in vegetarians far outweigh the problems I've seen even in people who indulge in fast food too often.

Get out in nature more often and you'll see that anything equipped to eat meat, does. It's just such an efficient source of protein.
I'm on my way to becoming a vegetarian (eventually a vegan), and the hardest thing for me is definitely chicken and sushi. I love both of them, so cutting them out is gonna be hard as hell.

The easiest is definitely beef and pork (ham, sausage, bacon, bbq, steaks, burgers, etc.) are extremely easy for me to cut out of my diet.

I bet I could fix you a pork steak that would make you crave it . . . :)
Vegetarian to vegan is much harder. As long as I can have cheese, milk/cream/butter and eggs I'm good, but once those are out of the picture it's difficult. I eat meat but I've done vegetarian and vegan periodically just for health reasons. Nothing compares to pork, though.