Law Use Your Fingers: how private prison companies found a goldmine under Trump

Well when your teachers are pedophiles and lack High School diplomas those teachers tend to work for a little cheaper. As a parent I don’t mind paying an extra $900/year for my kids teacher to be a college graduate.
That is not even counting the Charter schools in Florida that took money and were shut down in a year.
When your school is set up to be a money grab you don’t have any students. Which drives down the cost per student.
There is plenty of news articles that illustrate how terrible the Charter School system in Florida.

There's bad teachers in both. However in the private schools their jobs depend on results, not so in public schools.
And why would you want an inferior education for your children? Private schools have a higher graduation rate, better testing results, higher college participation and graduation rates from better colleges. I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would want a lesser education for their children.
This is principally unsound in my opinion. For suggestion 1, you are asking society to bear an even larger burden to assist individuals after those individuals wronged society. Education has an inherent value so you are, in some ways, rewarding individuals who harm society. For suggestion 2, you are limiting what an individual business owner can do. That's not fair. Let's say you owned a liquor store where your employees handle large sums of cash. Wouldn't it be nice to know if someone has, say, robbed a liquor store before? Or done anything criminal to diminish the trust they deserve? You are putting more responsibility and risk on the business owner

For 1, would you rather the people coming out of prison have the same skills (or possibly even less) to work with when they went in? That's essentially asking them to fail AMD go back to crime.

For 2: Backround checks are free. Yes, you read that. FREE. It costs 0 dollars in the USA to check someone's criminal history. If an independent business owner wants to know, it's a search bar away. So what's the problem here?
For 1, would you rather the people coming out of prison have the same skills (or possibly even less) to work with when they went in? That's essentially asking them to fail AMD go back to crime.

For 2: Backround checks are free. Yes, you read that. FREE. It costs 0 dollars in the USA to check someone's criminal history. If an independent business owner wants to know, it's a search bar away. So what's the problem here?

1 - I understand that you want to prevent recidivism. However, I am coming to the discussion with the perspective that prison is to punish first, with consideration of reformation, not the other way around. Thus it is very off-putting to flip the priorities around. Furthermore, I am hesitant about releasing individuals when there is reason to believe they will commit crimes again (note: I really only feel like harsh punishment goes for violent crimes. I'm generally pretty loose on what should be legal)

2 - You said 'ban the box'. What is the point of banning the box? To keep that information away from a potential employer? Wouldn't you want that to include the self initiated criminal history search? I'm not sure what policy you are advocating at this point
Obama had eight years to get rid of this shit and he waited until his last year to address it.

Well, that one year is at least one year more than he ever gave to pursuing indictments against the banking executives responsible for the financial collapse.