USADA is disgusting


Feb 28, 2018
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DHEA is banned? Really? Are they not aware that it is a natural steroid hormone produced by the body? I am thoroughly disgusted. There goes my hopes of competing inside the octagon one day.
Take it up with wada bro, not usada.....
Sure, 'natural' steroid TS. Gimme a break <45>
DHEA is banned? Really? Are they not aware that it is a natural steroid hormone produced by the body? I am thoroughly disgusted. There goes my hopes of competing inside the octagon one day.
STOP FN CRYING....Kabibs Lifetime Banned Teammate....... hahahahahaha
DHEA is banned? Really? Are they not aware that it is a natural steroid hormone produced by the body? I am thoroughly disgusted. There goes my hopes of competing inside the octagon one day.
Testosterone is also naturally produced by the body, does that mean you think fighters should be able to take that too? What are you even trying to say?
Testosterone is also naturally produced by the body, does that mean you think fighters should be able to take that too? What are you even trying to say?

Nice try, buddy. DHEA is a precursor to the sex hormones naturally produced by the body. It would only bring Testosterone levels back to NORMAL levels if anything.
DHEA is banned? Really? Are they not aware that it is a natural steroid hormone produced by the body? I am thoroughly disgusted. There goes my hopes of competing inside the octagon one day.

there natural levels of hgh in a person body to. what gets people in trouble are the drugs that make those levels to make a person body change and all.
Ill give everyone in the thread a free testosterone spike for entering this shit thread.


I believe DHEA supps are banned because they can be used as a masking agent.

Edit: in excessive amounts

Disregard that DM I sent you, I fucked up the name with someone else I was DM'ing a source to. Her name is in the video below. Click it if it cuts her ass and name off, its an Imgur link so its clean.

Getting sucked off by chicks with dicks is okay, just as long as you pitch and don't catch. Never hate until you've tried.

It’s not gay if you beat them up after.
its a joke for sure, and they cant be trusted to be the authority in the position they are in now. reputation is tainted clearly