Usada being gone is one of the reasons for Dana’s recent praise of Jones?

Marko Polo

Thank you Jurgen
Jun 11, 2020
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With Usada gone a massive element of risk has been removed from Jones. Dana can now go all in on creating his mma Michael Jordan with no chance of looking like an idiot once it all inevitably comes falling down
With Usada gone a massive element of risk has been removed from Jones. Dana can now go all in on creating his mma Michael Jordan with no chance of looking like an idiot once it all inevitably comes falling down
You're being an idiot
Jones is old in fight years you can tell he's ready to hang em up

USADA has nothing to do with it he's mentally checked-out & will only take huge fights he's way more than likely to win
It probably has some miniscule effect since they have more control of the image now, but it should be noted they basically copied the USADA protocol, and even brought some of the people in.

However what you're saying can't be since the ship on that has sailed 5-10 years ago
People acting like USADA is flawless

Go check your doping history in athletics (track and field) for example. How long did Marion Jones and her coach get away with shit
Who gives a shit, it is his opinion, When has Dana given a shit about anything outside of his own opinion. You cannot be that insecure that Dana's opinion of who is the "whatever of MMA" makes you whine and make shit threads. There are people who think Putin is a kind and warmhearted man, instead a man who has his FSB agents throw opponents out of windows.

If you put this much passion into your own life, you would not care what Dana says, you would be commanding your own life. Get a hobby that allows you to exude that passion you have for whining about Jones and what Dana thinks.
Funny considering Jones literally has a court case related to his behavior with the new testing agency.

I'm sure that was Dana's plan all along.

GTFO with this nonsense.
USADA being gone allows Dana to dickride Jon more shamelessly, because now he knows he wont have to appear on some interview like a muppet to defend his drug cheat.

The reason why he dickrides Jon remains the same: Ngannou took his title as the most badass man on the planet and ran, taking this title outside the UFC. Dana would have gotten away with it too, but Aspinall had to poop all over that plan.

Now Jon isnt the most badass fighter in the HW division, the UFC, or anywhere. Hes a steroid abusing joke.
Have to see how Jon looks physically coming into this fight
He was looking kinda fhat in his HW debut

Sherdog eye👀test never lies
Yes, at one time Dana was publicly bellyaching about Jones messing up multiple main events.

Now he only expresses manlove and bromantic sentiments about Jon.

Go figure.