US prepared to launch preemptive strike on North Korea

Damn...what a time to be alive
Remember when Hillary was a Warmonger???
Other sources: report on NK strike "wildly wrong."

On Fox News now.
Damn...what a time to be alive

Remember when Hillary was a Warmonger???

Last week?
"In her first interview since her stunning presidential election defeat by Republican rival Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for the United States to bomb Syrian air fields."

"Asked whether she now believes that failing to take a tougher stand against Syria was her worst foreign policy mistake as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, Clinton said she favored more aggressive action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"I think we should have been more willing to confront Assad," Clinton said in the interview, conducted by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof."

First interview in months and she uses it tell us to go to war with Assad.
Fuck. Of all the things Trump to fuck up please not this

Please just be media grossly exaggerating anonymous sources in order to make Trump look bad
If we hit NK then we shouldn't hit Syria and just leave it alone. Fighting two wars at the same time will leave us weak attack by another country.
Kim Jong and The Donald in a game of Russian roulette with the world at stake. Jesus Christ.
The US and Allies will attack Russia and Iran perhaps North Korea will join Russia and Iran. But the players will be the US vs Russia/Iran. It has already been declared
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Of course Trump would do this - it's South Korea who will lose hundreds of thousands if not millions of it's citizens to fiery deaths and have it's capital city decimated.
Hilary supporters should be cheering this on... Trump's foreign policy is transforming into a Clinton shitstorm.
The US and Allies will attack Russia and Iran perhaps North Korea will join Russia and Iran. But the players will be the USA vs Russia/Iran. It has already been declared
The fact they have not cut you off is impressive. Make sure to tip the bartender well.

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