US Marine Comments On Trump's Travel Ban; Is Evacuated From Iraq Within 16 Hours (Videos Included)

Lol at fucking telling the Marine guy what he has and hasn't seen over there. You guys are too much.

What kind of logic is this? By your reasoning we could never call anyone a liar.
I took the time to type out the majority of this clip with a few parts highlighted:

"The other morning, we were having a discussion on the executive order, and a lot of the Iraqis obviously showed their, uh, their displeasure, in this executive order. And uh, why they feel they've been betrayed by the United States and and so on.

I'm not here to get in a discussion with you about policies or this or that, or anything like that. I just want to talk to you and make a comment about, uh, the discussion I had, with, with these gentlemen.

So, I listened to what they had to say, and after they were done yelling and screaming about, their opinion on things, I asked a simple question, and I got an answer to that simple question and I got it without hesitation.

My simple question was: as an American if I went out in the town right now, would I be welcome?

And uh, they answered and said, 'you would not be welcome.'

And I said, okay, so what would happen if I went out in town?

And they said, 'The locals would snatch me up and kill me within an hour. Um, I'd be tortured first, and, after they were done torturing me, I'd probably be beheaded. It would, you know, go on video for everybody to see, as, you know, an example.'

And um, so, I already knew this was going to happen, but I wanted to hear it from them, I wanted to hear it from them. And the point of it is; the point I'm trying to make, is, this is the local populace that would do this. This isn't ISIS, this isn't Al Qaeda, this isn't the PNU, this isn't a militia from the Iranians, or anything like that. This is the local, the local populace that would do this.

Um, so, my question to them was pretty simple to them, after that: If you would to this to me, in your country, why would I let you in my country? Because all this means to me, is that if you had the opportunity to take the life of an American, you would do it.

So, maybe this is all something you need to think about back there. If this is the way, some of these cultures feel, this is the way that these countries feel about Americans, why would you be so naïve to believe that if they came to the United States, they would do anything any different than what they would do right here in their own country?

I don't know man, I'm just trying to inform you about what's actually happening on the ground in one of the banned countries

Due to the 8 million views of this marine's video, he was sent home for safety reasons within 16 hours of posting it:

"If what I said wasn't one-hundred percent true, why in the world would it be so important to get me removed from this country? Sixteen hours after that video was posted. Seriously guys, think about it."

"Speak your mind, that's what happens boys!"

"[My] facebook went to 26 million views, so currently I've been locked out of facebook . . ."

I thought this was a pretty interesting take on reality the War Room might appreciate. Some of you anyway.

Fair point. He looks like he has ingested 400,000 barrels of that special sauce though.
Former Intelligence Officer: 15% of Refugees are ISIS
The shockingly high figure comes from one of LTC(R) Shaffer's sources involved with the refugee flows.

BY CounterJihad · @CounterjihadUS | June 20, 2016
Last week we saw CIA head John Brennan testify that ISIS has “a large cadre” of foreign fighters to serve in attacking the West, and also that ISIS was probably using refugee flows as a means of vectoring its agents into the West. Now a former high-level intelligence officer claims that he has a source that gives a more specific figure. At least fifteen percent of refugees are ISIS, according to LTC(R) Anthony Shaffer of the London Center for Policy Research. The claim came in an interview Shaffer gave to a radio show hosted by Larry O’Connor and Brian Wilson on WMAL. (You can listen to the interview here.)

“I got the percentage from one of my sources. We’re talking about, right now, in the refugee stream, between 15-17% of individuals coming through the refugee stream are ISIS.”
...... What do you think american civilians would do if Iran had soldiers patrolling the neighborhoods of Dallas?
Honesty, not much. Maybe someone would call them rag heads. If you believe they'd be kidnapped while their beheading was videotaped, you're out of touch.
I took the time to type out the majority of this clip with a few parts highlighted:

"The other morning, we were having a discussion on the executive order, and a lot of the Iraqis obviously showed their, uh, their displeasure, in this executive order. And uh, why they feel they've been betrayed by the United States and and so on.

I'm not here to get in a discussion with you about policies or this or that, or anything like that. I just want to talk to you and make a comment about, uh, the discussion I had, with, with these gentlemen.

So, I listened to what they had to say, and after they were done yelling and screaming about, their opinion on things, I asked a simple question, and I got an answer to that simple question and I got it without hesitation.

My simple question was: as an American if I went out in the town right now, would I be welcome?

And uh, they answered and said, 'you would not be welcome.'

And I said, okay, so what would happen if I went out in town?

And they said, 'The locals would snatch me up and kill me within an hour. Um, I'd be tortured first, and, after they were done torturing me, I'd probably be beheaded. It would, you know, go on video for everybody to see, as, you know, an example.'

And um, so, I already knew this was going to happen, but I wanted to hear it from them, I wanted to hear it from them. And the point of it is; the point I'm trying to make, is, this is the local populace that would do this. This isn't ISIS, this isn't Al Qaeda, this isn't the PNU, this isn't a militia from the Iranians, or anything like that. This is the local, the local populace that would do this.

Um, so, my question to them was pretty simple to them, after that: If you would to this to me, in your country, why would I let you in my country? Because all this means to me, is that if you had the opportunity to take the life of an American, you would do it.

So, maybe this is all something you need to think about back there. If this is the way, some of these cultures feel, this is the way that these countries feel about Americans, why would you be so naïve to believe that if they came to the United States, they would do anything any different than what they would do right here in their own country?

I don't know man, I'm just trying to inform you about what's actually happening on the ground in one of the banned countries

Due to the 8 million views of this marine's video, he was sent home for safety reasons within 16 hours of posting it:

"If what I said wasn't one-hundred percent true, why in the world would it be so important to get me removed from this country? Sixteen hours after that video was posted. Seriously guys, think about it."

"Speak your mind, that's what happens boys!"

"[My] facebook went to 26 million views, so currently I've been locked out of facebook . . ."

I thought this was a pretty interesting take on reality the War Room might appreciate. Some of you anyway.

i dont think you are meant to take political positions whilst in uniform.

hes not paid to go out there and make party political broadcasts while in uniform.
This fucker is am occupying soldier and wonders why he isnt treated like a refugee would. Come back to me when refugees are armed controlling streets