uping in weight


Purple Belt
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
well im a wrestler that is 5'9 and 127 pounds. obviously im small for my hight. now not wanting to up mid season, how ever i want to up to 145 after the season ends and do this by my bday season ends like begining of march assuming i can make it to offsa, if i cant then earlier. now i was wondering what are some things i can do diet wise to help up in wieght a healthy way and not by jsut plain fat.
any body have any advice on a diet to up in weight.
Go to abcbodybuilding.com and look up bulking diets. And you're going to gain some fat if you want to build up muscle. It's a part of the game.
Reidar said:
Go to abcbodybuilding.com and look up bulking diets. And you're going to gain some fat if you want to build up muscle. It's a part of the game.
Cameron, I checked that site, and it appears to be rooted in scientific analysis. I only skimmed it, though, but I liked the look of it.

You can also check HST- it's linked in the S&P stickies. That's my single favorite one-site reference for guys who blankly ask, "How do I get bigger?" Workouts and diets.